New Resources for Education on Solidarity Cooperatives / Enterprises

Colleagues, on 7th July we hosted the 2nd FairShares Association Conference at Sheffield Hallam University (SHU). In doing so, we launched an online education resource for learning about solidarity cooperatives / enterprises, supported by a new publication.
The online resource can be accessed at:
The companion book is available in three formats:
Print Format:
Kindle Format:
PDF Format:
The Kindle and PDF format interface directly with the online resource to create an interactive learning platform.
Part 2 of the book contains 13 learning activities supported by the online resources.
Please use this thread to discuss the resource, and suggest how it could be developed in the future. If you want to partner SHU for research into the use of resource in cooperative business education, I would keen to discuss with you.
Background to how this body of knowledge was developed is available in the form of an "Impact Case" published by HEFCE in the UK at: