Communal Kitchen 2023
The Celtic Burn kitchen is opt-in. £21 per membership for one meal each day Tuesday 4th to Monday 10th (7 days).
1 TEAM = 1 DAY = 1 MEAL
All kitchen members shall join (or be allocated) a team. Every team is responsible for a day. The team shall plan, shop for, prepare, cook, serve and clean up one meal. Maybe you'll have shoppers and cooks and cleaners and more, or maybe you'll do everything together holding hands. It is up to the team how to organise themselves. You can sign up to a meal and find your teammates on the master spreadsheet and, eventually (maybe, hopefully) on the Trello task cards. Anyone who hasn’t signed up by Sunday 12th March will be assigned a team.
As of March 6th we are 99 kitchen members with a total budget of £2084, meaning each team has £297 to cook for 99 people. This should be enough dosh to make a decent spread. We are still selling memberships in case people changed their minds, so expect these numbers to increase a little. If you are one of these Mind Changers you can purchase a kitchen membership here
If you are daunted by the idea of calculating quantities and cooking rice for 100, contact Fran ( for advice/support/a meal plan.
Last year the Celtic Burn kitchen was meat and dairy free, with gluten free options. This year we have not specified the type of food on offer so you are free to create what you like. A column has been added to the master spreadsheet for dietary requirements so we can try our very best to cater for one another. Please remember - this is a community kitchen and we have no hygiene certificate - if your allergy is very serious, it is probably best to prepare your own meals.
That being said, we should all do our best to keep it clean and prevent cross contamination. Always wash your paws with hot, soapy water every time you enter the kitchen anew and whenever you prepare/cook/serve food. Always use a clean knife and chopping board when handling a new ingredient. Never use the same stirring or serving spoons in different dishes. Always use a fresh spoon for taste tests.
Bring some tupperware as there tends to end up being a little more food than belly space, which is great as it means you can take ‘home’ leftovers to share with pals or for a midnight snack!
Happy cooking!