What jobs do you want to do to support the development of crews and congregations?
I hope if we compare our experiences across different communities, we may find common roles.
Richard D. Bartlett Mon 18 Mar 2019 7:02AM
I would love to hear what other roles there are.
john & Nati seem to be doing something like a 'congregation catalyst' -- working within the boundaries of the Enspiral community, drawing attention to the opportunity to form crews/pods, and gently encouraging people to get started.
Scuttlebutt user Powersource seems to be playing a similar role in that community.

john gieryn Sun 24 Mar 2019 11:09PM
Request / Easy role (one-off): This group is limited to 5 threads and 20 people until it gets a Loomio subscription... this group certainly qualified as an 'unfunded community' group in my eyes, so just requires making a quick application; find the link on

Ulrich Schur Mon 25 Mar 2019 9:13PM
@richarddbartlett, probably best if you do this, right?

john gieryn Tue 26 Mar 2019 4:58AM
I've gone ahead and gotten us approved as an 'unfunded community' group for now, subject to a free plan on Loomio (w00t!)
In the future we may want to reciprocate to Loomio by contributing to a write-up about the purposeful work we're doing using the tool (full disclosure, I work with Loomio :wink:)
cc @richarddbartlett

Melina Chan Fri 5 Apr 2019 1:38AM
A role I'm just learning exists is called a "participant researcher"; I'm realising I do this naturally to a degree anyway. I'm currently in 3 crews, so happy feed our data and learnings back into this meta crew (with consent). I'm also keen to provide input on the key scaffolding that can support this movement.
Alex Rodriguez Thu 20 Feb 2020 1:48PM
I'd like to serve as something like an alarm system. I have some interesting karma when it comes to joining groups like this, where I'm magnetized by the vision but very sensitive to misalignment with the vision, and then end up having to leave the group because there isn't a way to work it out. So if we could come up with some agreements for how I can present that discomfort and energy skillfully and with consent of the group, I'd be thrilled to offer that.

Danyl Strype Sat 4 Apr 2020 7:07AM
I have this experience too!
Josh Fairhead Sat 14 Mar 2020 4:38PM
I'm an investigator type of character; at the moment I'm a dot connector and tie people and opportunities together wherever possible. I have an intention to learn data science but thats still a nascent skill set, I do however gather large swaths of information and have a pretty clear view of many spaces and interests of people within them.

Joe Lightfoot Sat 4 Apr 2020 2:19AM
I've tended to be a catalyser and community weaver, connecting people together, helping to provide the vision and spark and then stepping back once it's up and running. I'm happy to lend my experience in this where ever it is helpful as long as I have the available energy.
What I'm most interested in at the moment is the psychological and personal growth paths people seem to walk once they find themselves in a Mutual Aid Community like setting. After 5 years of watching it unfold in my own Collective I'm starting to see some clear patterns emerge on how people tend to blossom in these contexts and I want to focus in more deeply on understanding, documenting and sharing stories about this process.
Richard D. Bartlett · Mon 18 Mar 2019 7:00AM
I'm playing a librarian/reporter role. My intention is to digest a lot of information from many different contexts, and make it easily accessible to anyone who shows up.
Ask me about:
* resources: if you are looking for documentation, or you have a process to share but you don't know where to put it, just ping me.
* storytelling: if you have a story you want to tell, I can help you get it out. did you have some growthy experience in your crew? or did something go wrong that others should be careful of?
I don't want to be a "matchmaker" connecting specific people together to form crews; rather I'm more interested in making really accessible pathways for people to self-organise.