CoC DOs are enforceable too?

I like that there are DOs and DON'Ts in the CoC. But I think there's not been enough consideration of enforcement.
If we want something to be just a general guidance that isn't enforceable, either it should be separated or at least have language like the "strive to" which is present in some areas.
A good CoC should not be vague about which items are hard enough rules that violations could be reported.
The reporting guidelines themselves could clarify how to handle the items that are the "strive to" stuff… (how to handle an image that lacks alt text for example) versus those violations that could result in censorship or other actions.

Aaron Wolf Tue 7 Aug 2018 2:17PM
I'd like confirmation from others that it should be clearer what aspects of the CoC are enforceable. If others agree this is an issue, then I'd propose we go through the CoC and edit it to make that clearer.

Simon Grant Tue 7 Aug 2018 3:53PM
Could I ask for more clarity on what the scenarios are when you think enforcement would be desirable, and what would be the purpose of this enforcement? If we're clearer about these issues, I suspect it will become clearer which matter and which situations would benefit from some kind of enforcement.

Aaron Wolf Tue 7 Aug 2018 4:25PM
- Assume Good Faith
- If someone posts a statement that assumes bad faith, it makes sense to assert that it violates the CoC and they need to not make such assertions without evidence (this relates to other thread on assume-good-faith vs don't-assume-bad-faith
- Ensure that criticism is constructive
- So, if someone posts unconstructive criticism, there's some level of insisting per CoC that they delete that and post a constructive version
One way to see this is that if only negative things are enforced, it forces us to word everything negatively as in "don't post unconstructive criticism". And I think the positive framing is superior in that case and don't want positive framing to mean enforcement disappears.

Manuela Bosch Tue 7 Aug 2018 6:56PM
hmmm, I also favor that things are clear. so thank you for bringing this up. i think we should rather stress very few basic principles around enforcement that are based on trust and which apply to the whole CoC, rather than explaining every statement. I like to assume people share our values and are intelligent, but I also think it's important to protect us in the worst case by having one clear sentence around enforcement. Doesn't this tie in with the SOFT-RESOULTION STEP (line 158 at @asimong @wolftune @emido @mattnoyes ?

Aaron Wolf Tue 7 Aug 2018 7:03PM
My view: it should be clear and explicit what are general values / suggestions versus the strict enforceable CoC.
The soft-resolution ideas have not been worked out that I know of, but they should be suggested (each reporter using their best judgment) as options for all violations, including the ones more strongly enforceable.

emi do Wed 8 Aug 2018 12:40AM
They have, but haven't received a lot of input after @mattnoyes and I hashed out a rough sketch using the enspiral docs as our guideline! I think they might have gotten lost in all of the docs flying around in the days after our call:

Manuela Bosch Wed 8 Aug 2018 12:10PM
@wolftune regarding "My view: it should be clear and explicit what are general values / suggestions versus the strict enforceable CoC."For me work around values is something really important for self-organization and community building, but this would be a new project. For now, for our first CoC to going operational by fall, we could refert to the values in our bylaws and the values from the International Cooperative Alliance. This being said, how and where could Values be made clearer ?

Manuela Bosch Wed 8 Aug 2018 12:24PM
@emido Concerning the Conflict Resolution, I had a brief look at this. I think I need to understand better when and how / at what point of the process this document is presentet to the members. Depending on this it's easier for me to give feedback on length, wording, etc. Are there ideas around that already? I wonder especially since it was discussed as being the first step in or before a reporting process, right?

emi do Wed 8 Aug 2018 12:39PM
Just posted this on but I think it helps to situate where the conflict resolution elements ideally would take place with respect to reporting guidelines.
These are essentially the first steps AFTER an uncomfortable altercation has occurred. If this flow chart was more complete, it would have the CoC at the very top as a cloud to indicate that members should behave in accordance to it to facilitate a space where 'reporting' and 'enforcement' do not need to occur.
Manuela Bosch · Tue 7 Aug 2018 12:23PM
@wolftune regarding this discussion. what exactly would be your concrete proposal OR question OR what is the need behind wanting to discuss this? I am trying to find out how to help decreasing complexity to move this one step further.