Wed 11 Nov 2020 5:31AM

Loomio 2.5 is released. Ooodles of new features!

RG Robert Guthrie Public Seen by 210

Hi Loomio Community members!

You can read about all the new features in Loomio 2.5 on our blog.

This thread is for discussion and feedback about the new release. Thank you!


Stacco Troncoso Wed 11 Nov 2020 7:52AM

Exciting! We can actually implement a lot of these features as part of our DisCO.coop work. Specifically on the decision making section of the DisCO Governance/Economic model so we can make decision making and follow-through more nuanced.

Thanks Loomio crew for all you do! ❤️


Robert Guthrie Wed 11 Nov 2020 9:08AM



Sam Toland Wed 11 Nov 2020 12:58PM

Fair play guys - can see that you've really listened to your users, as a lot of the improvement fall into quality of life improvements.


Robert Guthrie Thu 12 Nov 2020 1:17AM

That's nice to hear. Thanks - more to come!


david rayner Fri 20 Nov 2020 11:43PM

what happened with the timeline? that was useful...

aha...i disbabled beta and my organisational structure returned...

must get out more...


Jeremy Dent Sat 21 Nov 2020 12:05PM

Useful new features: well done!


Luke Flegg Fri 4 Dec 2020 4:36PM



Luke Flegg Fri 4 Dec 2020 4:37PM

.....aaaaaaargghhhh this update is so wonderful.
What an incredible barrage of glorious features and fixes.
Good god

Literally 1 persistent tiny bug that still plagues me: Ctrl+Enter (which I want to use ALL the time for Sending / saving things) creates a line break before sending / saving


PS just shared with with Rich
I want there to be a 2 min promo video "How Loomio helped us" which spotlights 4 very different decisions made in 4 very very different orgs, showing the process step by step and demonstrating how Loomio was able to massively help in a way no other tool could


Robert Guthrie Sat 5 Dec 2020 7:49AM

Hey bud! Thanks for your feedback. That cmd+enter thing is sooo tricky. I'll get onto it again next week.

2021 is all about marketing for us - That sounds like a great idea.