
Sustaining Our Environment

JH( Julia Hamilton (WCC) Public Seen by 201

Many respondents wanted to strengthen environmental sustainability within the community, particularly community gardens and orchards. It has been suggested to expand the Harrison Street orchard site and develop a community composting system and a community veggie garden (with possible membership roster system) to enhance food-sharing opportunities which could develop into weekly farmers’ markets. Another suggestion was to develop the orchard beyond the designated space, through the village area.
Do you support increasing the reach of community gardens and orchards? Do you have other ideas to improve our environment?


Sophie Jerram Mon 2 Mar 2015 1:57AM

It was terrific to hear on Saturday at the windwalk, the idea of catchments. That Brooklyn is mostly in the catchment of Owhiro Stream. It made me realise we effective 'belong' to this catchment. This is in contrast to our usual thinking that the stream or hills 'belong' to us.
@juliahamilton @benzwartz do you have Paul's contacts?


Mary Hubble Tue 17 Mar 2015 3:07AM

Any potential sites for community gardening down the line at the southern end? could a patch be set up in conjunction with the Vogelmorn project maybe? even if not hugely productive, if fenced it could be a safe play space and somewhere to enjoy out of doors


Sophie Jerram Tue 17 Mar 2015 10:07AM

Mary, thanks for asking excellent questions and getting the discussion going. There are so many good sites for community gardens in this more Southern end. Yes, the Vogelmorn green is one of such places, at least with raised beds for a while (at present the bowling turf is hardly organic having had lots of controlling sprays used on it, and many old bowlers' ashes on it). Safe and fenced too as you say.