Mon 3 Apr 2023 10:13PM

Hub Meetings and Committee

GZ Gen Zendahl Public Seen by 17

General discussions and introduction of ideas for the Hub management.


Lambert Kleinjans Mon 24 Jul 2023 12:56PM

This is a copy of an email sent to TyG plot owners:

Hi All,

Following several meetings and discussions around next steps for the Lammas Ecovillage Hub please find enclosed the following documents for your review:

1. A note setting out the proposed structure for the hub

2. Proposed charity association document

3. Proposed lease from Tir-y-Gafel Ltd to the new association

The next steps are:

1. Feedback on the proposed documents via Loomio/email/meeting(s) - from Tir-y-Gafel plot owners initially and then wider community of interested parties.

2. Trustees to step forward & register the charity

3. The lease is signed

4. The improvements to the hub are completed (this can start sooner)

5. The hub opens for events

This email is being sent out to all Tir-y-Gafel plot owners in BCC. For discussion please go onto Loomio here: https://www.loomio.com/join/group/dsK7fSicGd4Y5635j36CqAyU/

If you do not use Loomio you can send comments directly to Gen and me and we will place this onto Loomio as well if you like.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Kind regards,



Jessica Lo Bianco Sun 23 Apr 2023 3:16PM

Was glad to meet with everyone again. 馃檪

Like I said at the meeting, I'm willing to help with the management and research needed to get things checked off the 'list' as it were.

Glad to be on loomio too. Hope this helps us keep track of things.


Gen Zendahl Mon 3 Apr 2023 10:54PM

Big thanks to all who attended the Hub meeting on Sat 1st April. A fairly informal meeting that was more an explanation of the desire to roll out hub management to the community, and to start to gather interest in offering to help keep the hub sustainable and running smoothly.

Lots of questions were raised, and we talked about the health and safety issue such as the lack of water filters and kitchen issues. We spoke of the need to maintain the grounds, car park, cleanliness, and repairs. Getting the kitchen above the embarrassing hygiene rating of one was mentioned.

We also discussed the possibilities of floor replacement, and a very generous offer by Roger King was offered to help with refurbishment. Ayres Gipson has also made offers of work for the hub floor. All these need to be considered in the context of other, urgent works that are outstanding. Michael Shakib explained what type of work was needed to bring equipment into use, such as solar panels and batteries.

Questions were asked about the availability of the hub for parties and late events and we discussed ways that consent and legalities of the hub being a public venue put limitations but not outright bans on parties and music events. However the hub has always had to respect the rights of near neighbors, and in 2017 it clearly had the general rule for 11 pm as a finish time for loud music.

Eventually, it was also agreed that the plot owners, alongside TyG Ltd, needed to agree amongst themselves which entity, be it a CIC or a charity, would be the governing body for the hub, and under what constraints, if any.

Until that time, volunteers are not in a position to make any firm plans.

It was hoped that other members of the community would also step forward with a willingness to help, and we were going to invite others to join us.

A good number of those in attendance put their hands up to assist in some way, so we will have to decide who does what as we go along.