Salary Packaging Information Session- 15 February 2023 3-3.30pm.
Hi Everyone,
I hope you have all had a great break (if you had one) and back into the swing of things for 2023.
I would like to introduce Kyle Parker. He is from Salary Packaging Plus, our Salary Packaging/Sacrifice organisation. He has kindly offered to do an information session with Members that may be interested in Salary Packaging/Sacrificing or finding out more details.
The information session will be on the 15th February 2023 between 3-3.30pm. We have allocated the last ½ hour of the HR QnA Session scheduled for the third Wednesday of the month (you should already have a calendar invite for this forum- let me know if you don’t have it).
Alternatively, please click on the link below to join.
Microsoft Teams meeting
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Meeting ID: 412 201 818 294 Passcode: vxP6aw
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If you are not able to make this Presentation/Info Session, Kyle is happy for you to schedule some individual time with him. He can be contacted on 1300 408 046 or You can also get some information from SalaryPackagingPLUS.
Looking forward to seeing you there.
Candice Brinton · Thu 19 Jan 2023 6:04AM
Thanks Jase, I have added that to my calendar.
Chat soon,