e-NABLE Web Central - Ongoing Development and Web Hosting
3D Universe continues to invest in the development, hosting, and support of the e-NABLE Web Central platform. While we are happy to cover a portion of these costs, it seems reasonable to ask for the e-NABLE Fund to help cover a portion as well. In this thread, I intend to create a proposal outlining a suggested funding approach to support the historical and ongoing development of e-NABLE Web Central.
Everton Lins
Tue 29 Oct 2019 8:55PM
When we talk about EWC is crucial to remember that e-NABLE have 136 chapters in 42 different countries and no other team has worked on organizing the donation process for the community at the level the EWC team has. So this update is important and much needed. You have my full support.
Peter Binkley
Wed 30 Oct 2019 11:15AM
EWC is the best!! Definitely deserves our support. Matching in the days before EWC was sporadic and unreliable. Some volunteers waited years for a client. Now volunteers and clients can connect immediately.
Maria Esquela
Wed 30 Oct 2019 11:24AM
I urge everyone to vote for this proposal, and to give Jeremy ongoing support. This infrastructure and internationalization are essential, and Jeremy's service has been generous and professional. These costs and the timeline are fair and the funding plan continues a practice of giving from 3D Universe and the Simon family that has nurtured our community.
Jacquin Buchanan
Wed 30 Oct 2019 4:17PM
I am with Theo, Sandra, and Adam on this one. I have tried several times to get use out of EWC and not succeeded. I am not crazy about its design, or architecture. But, I love the effort, and realize sometimes the first try misses the mark. I respect and admire what Jeremy and others have done, so I am supporting the effort to make it better. Or, maybe EWC is already meeting the needs of lots of other people, so I want to support it.
Adam Armfield Tue 29 Oct 2019 6:54PM
Lets do it. Our developer says the idea is to have it also available on iphone-apple OS after initial testing. Ill send you an email and set up the call to see how we can also add it to website :)

Sandra Dermisek Tue 29 Oct 2019 7:54PM
I agree also with Theo. For us EWC isn't of much use either, but I do see the potential so that it could be usefull in the future. That's why I gave a positive vote. I hope in future much more repicients will ask for help through EWC. For now they find our dutch chapter easier, than the EWC. I think this is so for the whole of West-Europe.
Adam Armfield Tue 29 Oct 2019 8:03PM
We also have not received a single client through EWC in over 2 years of operations. All of ours arrive via our own website, facebook or alliances with local hospitals and foundations. I voted yes as it appears that there has been alot of time and moneyput into the website....and Jon and Jen know the amount of work gone into this more than me and so i trust their decision.
Jeremy Simon · Tue 29 Oct 2019 6:48PM
Hi, Adam. I'd love to see what you've developed! As an iPhone user, I wouldn't be able to use it myself, but it sounds interesting. Please send me an email so we can coordinate a presentation. jeremy@3duniverse.org