Welcome! Please introduce yourself
Take a moment to let the group know a bit about who you are. Post a comment below.
What’s your role or approach to participation in this group? What should people know about you to understand where you’re coming from?
Jay Daley Tue 20 Mar 2018 8:09PM
Hi, I'm Jay Daley, an independent Welington based consultant that specialises in data and digital. I'm currently delivering an open data rollout for a large (400 person) NGO. An example of my work is the NZ Internet Data Portal at https://idp.nz
David Eccles Mon 26 Mar 2018 10:00AM
Hi, I'm David Eccles, a theoretical geneticist and independent bioinformatician, currently mostly working for the Malaghan Institute of Medical Research. I do my work using a Free and Open Source operating system, and am trying to encourage other researchers to follow an open research / open data approach of reporting early, reporting often, and removing barriers for data access. Free software has helped me to understand how to benefit from and improve open systems, and genetics has helped me to understand the risks of data release.
Paul Stone Mon 26 Mar 2018 6:48PM
Hi, I'm Paul Stone from the Open Data team at Stats NZ, working to shift all of government to an open by design mode of operation.
David Hood Tue 27 Mar 2018 6:50AM
Hi I'm David Hood from Dunedin. In my day job I teach and consult data analysis software to University staff and others, so I've worked with a lot of people answering questions using a lot of different forms data. I've also played with open data a lot stumbling across various things like "why are there 30% more earthquakes at night" and currently "why is the per capita rate of antibiotics prescriptions in the north of the country twice the rate in the south"
George Wills Mon 16 Apr 2018 11:50PM
Hi, I'm George from Media Suite - a problem solving company from Christchurch. I have been advocating for the principles of open data for around 7 years and have had some small successes in helping our public sector clients understand the value of open data. Our company has recently picked up the support and ongoing development of data.govt.nz which aligns very much with our core values.
Jocelyn Morrison · Thu 1 Mar 2018 9:11PM
Kia ora, I'm Jocelyn Morrison from the Open Data team at Stats NZ. I'm keen to hear your thoughts and questions about the content of the Open Data Action Plan, and am looking forward to working together to improve the action plan.