
Add comments when uploading photos in photo view, and order them.

E Elm Public Seen by 51

When a few photographies are added to a post, there is the photo view if one click on the big photo or a thumbnail of the other photos.

When uploading photo (or after) users could be able to add a comment to each photo that would be visible in the photo view.

User should be also able to order the photo in the photo view and therefore choose wich of one them would be the big photo visible in the post (as for now it is unclear to me how photos are ordered).


Karthikeyan A K Thu 12 May 2016 2:13PM

Ya good idea!


Lesica Castle Sat 11 Jun 2016 8:48PM

Thanks for this really useful information on uploading and viewing them. The thing is people are so much photo oriented that they want this stuff so much around them. Dealing with pics is a big topic of discussion in http://dissertationfast.org/ So it will be really helpful for you as well as others.