Cycle 4 Anchor

Point of departure for all things Cycle 4

Ronen Hirsch Tue 19 Oct 2021 12:03PM
I intend to open a few threads to seed discussions and explore the subject of money. My intention with these threads is to try creating scoped containers for this complex subject. My intention is NOT to fragment the conversation but to try to keep it on track (= to keep it from derailing into repetitive, bias-rich, inconclusive mush) in this asynchronous environment.
I will try to open the threads in a coherent sequence but I expect the sequence and coherence to change as the threads emerge and develop.
Please consider each thread as a proposal for conversation. I am skipping official proposals because 1) I don't want to create excess polling and 2) because I believe that they likely cannot be resolved as polls because they require shared exploration - so skipping directly into exploration containers.
I invite everyone to inhabit the containers, questions them, reframe them, offer additional containers, split containers into new containers where refinement and focus is required ... basically try to strike a balance with cohesive containers that do not compromise the rich and potentially divergent nature (at least at this early stage) of the subject.

Poll Created Tue 19 Oct 2021 7:57PM
Reading Club Closed Mon 25 Oct 2021 7:06PM
The outcome of this proposal is an expanded exploration now taking place in this thread.
This is a wild idea that popped into my consciousnes today and felt compelling to me ... so I am going out on a limb here and curious how it meets everyone:
Since we are going to be exploring money it seems inevitable to me that we are going to be very quickly stumbling into value
+ I've been thinking about reading Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance (ZMM) by Robert Pirsig again.
+ if you don't already know this, ZMM is practically my bible when it comes to value (and metaphysics)
+ interesting fact: Nature of Order (Christopher Alexander) is the only work I've encountered that references ZMM
+ the subtitle of the book is literally "An Inquiry Into Values"
= would you like to do a reading club and read this book together?
I feel (while acknowledging the bias that I have towards this book) that it could serve as a refreshing backdrop, give us an opportunity to step back from our captive lenses, examine biases and consider things form a different and deeply metaphysical perspective.
The structure I have in mind is aligned with the way we already operate:
Creating a Loomio thread + Discord channel.
Assigning a part of the book and a timeframe.
The allocated timeframe is used for asynchronous echoing reflection, seed questions, feedback and discussion on the Loomio thread.
An explicit proposal is made to both conclude the current timeframe and declare the next timeframe (+points to the next section in the book) ... repeat until end-of-book :)
Whenever a wish arises in anyone to gather and talk synchronously a gathering proposal is made and we converge on a sandbox for conversation.
What say you?
Note: I opted to be a bit playful and have set the poll to hide the results until the poll is closed :)
Results | Option | % of points | Voters | |
Agree | 80.0% | 4 |
![]() ![]() |
Abstain | 20.0% | 1 |
Disagree | 0.0% | 0 | ||
Block | 0.0% | 0 | ||
Undecided | 0% | 1 |
5 of 6 people have participated (83%)
Robert Damashek
Tue 19 Oct 2021 7:57PM
Sounds to me like a wonderful idea! Thanks, Ronen.

Jennifer Damashek
Tue 19 Oct 2021 7:57PM
I love this idea.
Josh Fairhead
Tue 19 Oct 2021 7:57PM
This is one of my favourite books of all time (next to Lila) and I'd be happy to slowly read it again with you all.
Toni Blanco
Tue 19 Oct 2021 7:57PM
I have mixed feelings about this proposal. A reading club sounds good. ZMM "so, so" for the purpose you propose, unless we want to discern in which way it has posed obstacles or not helped very much in your way to get money. Which maybe is a "pandemic" affecting a lot of potential inhabitants of the space, so it would be useful. So I do not know.

Poll Created Thu 21 Oct 2021 1:24PM
OdPa'am - Proposal for a name candidate for the digital space Closed Thu 28 Oct 2021 1:01PM
"The [Aboriginal] Dreamtime is not, lke the Western, biblical notion of Genesis a finished event; it is not, like the common scientific interpretation of the "Big Bang," an event that happened once and for all in the distant past. Rather, it is an ongoing process - the perpetual emerging of the world from an incipient, indeterminate state into ful, waking reality, from invisibility to visibility ...What happened once happens again and again. The Dreaming, the imaginative life of the land itself, must be cotinually renewed, and as an Aboriginal man walks along his Ancestor's Dreaming track, singing the coutry into visibility, he virtually becomes the journeying Ancestor, and this the storied earth is born afresh."
The Spell of the Sensuous - page 169/170
When I read these words I recognized in them the essence of practice and my mind latched onto the phrase "once again" which translated into Hebrew as "Od Pa'am" ... it literally means "one more time".
The word "pa'am" points to a root which can be translated as beat (as in the beat of a drum) and heart-beat and it can be a surprisingly ambivalent time indicator pointing to both a distant past (once) or future (one day).
Clarification: This proposal is not a decision to actually name the space, but to submit this name as a CANDIDATE and to collect feedback.
Results | Option | % of points | Voters | |
Agree | 83.3% | 5 |
![]() ![]() |
Abstain | 0.0% | 0 | ||
Disagree | 16.7% | 1 |
Block | 0.0% | 0 | ||
Undecided | 0% | 0 |
6 of 6 people have participated (100%)
Josh Fairhead
Thu 21 Oct 2021 1:24PM
I accept the proposal to include it as a candidate, however the name doesn't resonate for me (unlike the Prince track) due to my lack of familiarity and context with the term. Your explanation is helpful.
Robert Damashek
Thu 21 Oct 2021 1:24PM
The name makes sense to me and I feel we should use the English translation as a sub-title, since OdPa’am is a Hebrew phrase, so the space remains and feels accessible, and welcoming.
Ronen Hirsch · Tue 19 Oct 2021 11:52AM
Following the proposal that emerged from the Cycle 3 retrospective gathering, this is the scope of Cycle4:
Seeking ways to tend to the material needs of those in the crew who need to generate an income for their livelihood and well-being.
We will explore this in the context of the crew as a social unit. How can we tap into the potential of us being a crew to generate income?
We will explore this in the context of the GP. What role can money play in advancing the GP and manifesting the digital space described in it?
We will explore if there can be alignment and resonance between the question of money as it pertains to the crew and as it pertains to advancing the GP.
We will harness all of these to explore if/how money manifests inside the digital space for the benefit of all its inhabitants.
We will continue the experiment offered by Josh to migrate out of C1 to a technology stack (currently Obsidian & GIT) that will allow us to more fluently explore collaboration on generative sequences (and beyond).
Sharing the GP
We will begin to intentionally share the GP outside the crew. We will reach out to people who can give grounded feedback on the relevance of the GP to their lived communal environments. We will prioritize people who are actively involved in holding or forming community spaces where the core notion of "continuous practice in small crews" may apply and resonate.
By sharing the GP we hope to discover its potential to meet the real-world needs of real-world people who are exploring community. The feedback from the sharing will guide our choices moving forward with the GP.