Breakdwon of tasks by working team
- Real life events Events
-Organise and recruit bloggers & pages and help then organise real life events during world milksharing week
-Write events ideas and how-tos
-Support and recruit organisers
-Polish the Events TOU
- Virtual events
-Organise and recruit bloggers & pages and help then organise online events during world milksharing week
- Recruiting/ Outreach
-Help find volunteers
-Support the blog team, virtual events and real life events team to recruit organisers, blogs and pages that can organise online events
-Put together the consultants group (if approved)
-Engage prominent researchers to participate/have a presence in WMW13 or future years (e.g. Akre, Gribble, etc.)
- Social media, graphic design, & marketing
-throughout the week, we could use the 'claim this offer' feature to get discount coupons for who complaint products and explain why they are who compliant and why who compliance matters
-support education team in making educational material covering those topics to be posted in our website
-Support organisers in promoting their own events
-Decide the mechanism to get a new logo
With Blogging team, choose from the following topic list, one topic a day for social media and blogging:
WHY mothers choose to milkshare and kinds of donations and milksharing (ongoing, one time, emergencies, wetnursing, casually ms with friends and family as needed/desired)
The Village: Milksharing and Partners, Relatives, Friends,
Milksharing Logistics: Safe pumping and storage, screening, shipping, feeding options (cup, syringe, sns, tube feeding), allergens
Diversity in Milksharing, including family diversity and cultural diversity
Milk Bank, breastfeeding support groups and health professionals
History of milksharing and the rise of peer to peer milksharing
Fun Sunday: ask for pics of babies and kids being silly
-All throughout the week educate about WHO CODE
- Website
-Build and maintain the website
-Open it up for milksharing bloggers
-Keep up with the articles about milksharing in the news
- Media
-Be in charge of central media for wmw
-Support organisers in promoting their own events
- Blogger
-Manage the wmw blog and blog carnival
-With social media team, choose from the following topic list, one topic a day for social media and blogging:
WHY mothers choose to milkshare and kinds of donations and milksharing (ongoing, one time, emergencies, wetnursing, casually ms with friends and family as needed/desired)
The Village: Milksharing and Partners, Relatives, Friends,
Milksharing Logistics: Safe pumping and storage, screening, shipping, feeding options (cup, syringe, sns, tube feeding), allergens
Diversity in Milksharing, including family diversity and cultural diversity
Milk Bank, breastfeeding support groups and health professionals
History of milksharing and the rise of peer to peer milksharing
Fun Sunday: ask for pics of babies and kids being silly
- Education & Research
- organise webinars for health professionals how can they help families make informed milksharing, from why families choose to milkshare, covering screening, and sipping and sns and webinars for families and allies too -with graphic design team, make educational material covering those topics to be posted in our website -Educate about WHO hierarchy for infant feeding: history, salient points/features, interpretation, real-world impacts -Educate about WHO code for marketing breast milk substitutes: history, salient points/features, interpretation, real-world impacts (bear in mind that I'd say 99.44% of the USA doesn't have a clue that this exists, it has not been adopted as law here like it has been in other countries). Make a list of who complaint/non compliant companies and products. -Complete listing of milksharing related research/publications. -Put together the 'Vaers' like site -Petition to LLL
- Book
-Put together a a milksharing book, like spiritual midwifery but with milksharing stories
Volunteers we need
Social media
Community organisers
Event organisers
Graphic Designer
Outreach/Public relations
Video Edition
Professional illustrator
Poll Created Fri 5 Apr 2013 9:21PM
Tasks & working groups Closed Thu 11 Apr 2013 9:26PM
I agree with this
Results | Option | % of points | Voters | |
Agree | 100.0% | 8 |
Abstain | 0.0% | 0 | ||
Disagree | 0.0% | 0 | ||
Block | 0.0% | 0 | ||
Undecided | 0% | 2 |
8 of 10 people have participated (80%)
Leah Callahan · Thu 11 Apr 2013 9:44PM
Sorry I missed this by 17 minutes. FWIW, I totally agree.