March Green Action Assembly
This discussion is about proposed agenda items for the next Green Action meeting (trying a new name for it to make it sound less boring!). Luke and I just brainstormed some but the list will no doubt get longer and then we can prioritise when it comes to it. We were thinking it should be a 2 hour meeting, in the last week before the Easter hols (doodle coming)
Taking stock of our individual and group resources
a) Finance report
b) People's time and energy both in coming months, and next academic year (within this discussion we can cover roles and wishes to stand down, share the role or take one on)Feedback/ update on activities and action points from the last meeting
a) Mural updates?
b) Students for Cooperation feedback and feedforward
c) Working groups 'homework' (the branch, leaf and flower reflection questions)- did it trigger anything? anything to feedback?What do we want to do in coming months/ summer
Reviewing our coop structure and getting inspiration from other cooperative models
Andrea Vidal Durà Tue 10 Mar 2015 5:03PM
We may need to re-schedule the cake delivery because the shifts are quite empty (Tuesday specially) and/or decide what to do over the Easter break with cakes and bread.
Marcel Thu 12 Mar 2015 7:02PM
I think it would be good to discuss making a public statement that could be sent to the Vicechancellor to support the Leeds Community Project
Andrea Vidal Durà Fri 13 Mar 2015 1:56PM
Can we still add a point on the agenda? The girl in the School of Earth and Environment that wants to promote GA would like to do a tastier session in April. We could discuss this briefly at the assembly. I told her to come along... Hope she does!
Luke Tilley Mon 16 Mar 2015 3:57PM
I also think we should start thinking about the hand over of responsibilities for next years GA members/co-ordinators before the year runs away with us. This could be a brief discussion to get the ball rolling with more details agreed later/with the relevant people.
Fern Mon 16 Mar 2015 6:42PM
Hey, can anyone reminds me where the meeting is? excited to come along and see what it's like for the first time!
Luke Tilley · Fri 27 Feb 2015 4:29PM
Help us set a date you can make, please fill in the doodle!