Saturday, 11th February, 2017 (12.00-14.00) in Kingsmead Square

Who can come to the street stall this Saturday? We have no t-shirts or berets left (but we can take orders for the next batch), and of course the main thing will be to promote the Unite for Europe demo on 25th March, as well as continuing to tell people about One Day Without Us on 20th February.
I have Mark Baines' spare keys, but I need a definite offer of help on the day! Please respond asap!

Alison Born Thu 9 Feb 2017 6:29PM
I'm afraid I will be away for the next 2 Saturdays, Alison
Jane Riekemann Thu 9 Feb 2017 6:32PM
I can be there from 1-2. jane

Ruth Malloy Thu 9 Feb 2017 6:55PM
That's good, Jane. Thank you. I still need at least one person (preferably two) to help set up though.

Mark Baines Thu 9 Feb 2017 6:34PM
Sorry - can't make it (again

Ruth Malloy Thu 9 Feb 2017 7:47PM
Sue Craig has offered to help me collect the stuff from Mark's offices at 11.45, but if anyone else can come too, please let me know! Wera and William?

Alice Hovanessian Thu 9 Feb 2017 8:00PM
Hi Ruth, I will be there and can meet you at Mark's office. We can ask people to sign up to the mailing list too.

Ruth Malloy Thu 9 Feb 2017 10:36PM
That's wonderful, Alice.
See you tomorrow at the Debate, too?

Alice Hovanessian Thu 9 Feb 2017 11:04PM
Yes, see you tomorrow with the petition! I think Huw and Dick are going and there should be others, hopefully we can present it together at the end. I can meet you at the main bus stop at the uni around 6:05 and take you to to the room if it's helpful?

Ruth Malloy Thu 9 Feb 2017 11:47PM
Don't worry, Alice. I've been to the Chancellor's Building before (during the EU-Referendum campaign) so I think I'll find it. I'll aim to get there at around 6.
Anna Beria · Thu 9 Feb 2017 6:26PM
Sorry, Ruth... It's visit-mother-in-law's weekend :-(
Hope you get offers for help soon. And lots of newly signed-up
helpers turning up at the stall. :-)
@Maggie: your berets were selling like hot cakes yesterday
evening! Have you been told that Professor Grayling was so taken
with them that he was given one as a token of our appreciation?
Anna x