Soundbite 2 - Peter & Stefan

We need to change the electorate’s expectations around social & technological progress. Technology is improving at an exponential rate, not a linear one, therefore Australian governments need to lift the bar on the progress they are trying to drive. Incremental linear economic growth and social progress is not good enough, our government should deliver a vision which leverages the accelerating returns of technology.
Wayne Addison Tue 26 May 2015 8:08AM
First thoughts... and i'm assuming the soundbite is somekind of early stage policy statement, apologies if i have misunderstood.
i support the first sentence, the electorate is in dire need of this however non-TPAU's might read it like we have an agenda to socially engineer what people think and it may not be a well received opening statement.
I'd take out the part where govt need to "lift the bar" (as it is a criticism of their current progress and doesnt win friends) and say something like we "support govt initiatives that take advantage of the exponential rate of tech progress..."
Also, not sure incremental linear economic growth is such a bad thing, anything faster than that would be seen as an economic bubble which will have strong resistance to - and the economy isnt a direct interest of TPAU is it?
...and after all my criticism, i think the final 'leveraging' statement is gold!

Stefan van der Wel Tue 26 May 2015 11:13AM
i agree it needs to be rewritten, but I'm not sure to what... feel free to have a crack at it Wayne
Wayne Addison Wed 27 May 2015 12:04AM
I had a go at this last night - not easy for sure. I was swapping between drafting a general 'position statement' on a range of H+ issues but found it was all pretty much covered by the principles already adopted by the party. So I started down the path of specific ideas on a shortlist of key issues such as how to support (say) R&D into curing the diseases of aging. (BTW, both major parties have a policy on dementia/alzheimer's but focus more on treatment and management rather than curing.)
So can I suggest we create a list of (say) top 10 Australia specific issues the party in general supports, then couch them in the wordage like Peter and Stefan have started (above).
Then, as a phase 2, select a couple of key items to write detailed, data supported policies around?
1) R&D into curing diseases of aging rather than the management of.
2) legalisation of euthanasia.
3) adoption of AI platforms in govt. IT departments
Others items???
Thoughts on this approach?
Stefan van der Wel · Tue 26 May 2015 6:49AM
Discussion items:
1. Do you support this statement?
2. If so what title would you give it?
3. What changes / rewrite do you recommend?