Mon 2 Sep 2019 8:56PM

Restructuring the website menus

R RobJN Public Seen by 52

Hi all,

I have tried multiple times to get the website structure correct. The challenge has been that we are trying to be all things to all people at the same time.

I took another look and have a new proposal based on some of what came through the 2019/20 strategy ideas. I'd like to re-focus on "personas" - using the website as a way to show distinct groups the front door to OSM. In a way this is similar to the first OSMUK website arrangement where we split content according to "Contribute to the map" and "Use the map". I does go further with the personas.

Here is the structure I am proposing:

Getting started
    As an individual
    As an organisation
    Collecting info
    Editing the map
    Using OpenStreetMap
    Donating data
Finding help
    From the community
    Useful resources
    Professional services
About us
    OSM and the UK Chapter
    Our aims
    Our members  / Corporate members
    Join today
    The CIC
Training & consultancy
    Request a trainer
    Request a speaker
    Consultancy services
    Join our Talent Directory
    Case studies
Community mapping
    Finding other mappers
    Quarterly projects
    Regional mapathons
    UK tagging guidelines
    Rent a camera
    Surveyor hi-vis jackets

I also considered a section on Support Us/Our Member as follows. Not sure if this is needed. As you can see above all the elements can be placed elsewhere.

Support us / Our members
    Join today
    Corporate members
    The CIC
    Donate data

Pleas let me know your thoughts. If you are happy I can go ahead and start making the changes.

P.S. Case Studies was the section I struggled to place. These seem to be mostly a showcase of talent so I went with the training/consultancy section but I'm not 100% sure of that.


Jez Nicholson Thu 20 Aug 2020 11:12AM

Was just thinking about the Directors page. It would be good to feature Directors past-and-present to show all involved. And maybe years-of-reign to show who might be rotated out next.


Nick Ananin Fri 21 Aug 2020 1:12PM

Just a passing thought, perhaps the starting point of this discussion is the purpose of the web site. This kind of links into the question of membership fees. As a member, the benefits seem to match the cost (£5) but what if we said for a membership fee of £15 or £20 you get .... (which might include a 'members only area of the web site - doable in Word Press).