Wed 12 Nov 2014 8:17AM

What should we do next digitally?

VS Viv Slack Public Seen by 67

The website and forum have served us well to increase membership, and we have active social channels, but could always be improved.

Considering the aims we have for the club, what would give the most benefit to members, and what resource we have available, what do you think we should do next?


Viv Slack Wed 12 Nov 2014 8:18AM

FYI I've written up where we are now, and the changes i know need to happen, just to get the conversation started. https://docs.google.com/document/d/15InI-cnuf_1b-feqYHrq_nCxTpKPPzgVmHJCvVLm5Uc/pub

Discuss, and when you feel ready, anyone can create a proposal to vote on. If the first isn't right, we can close that and create a new one. Give it a try.


Christian Smith Thu 11 Dec 2014 10:43AM

I am attempting to set up a meeting on this via email. I will take the document linked above to the meeting when it is finalised.