General Callouts for Support & Sponsorship
Put stuff here if it's not exactly an event and not exactly a specific vacancy/opportunity and not a request to the solidarity fund, but you just want people to respond in some way, possibly with resources. clear as mud? OK, hopefully the first post will model what i have in mind!
Irena P Mon 27 Mar 2023 1:44PM
SUPPORT for MARC with your print orders: Manchester Area Resource Centre (MARC), a co-op for nearly 50 years does, does incredible Risograph printing using plant inks and 100% recycled paper (they tell me other paper just needs 25% recycled to say it's recycled). They are of such niche and good quality I just couldn't help but big them up here. Their offices are like a 1950s activist printroom (with a weird juxta-Soviet/Americana mix) with wall to wall posters and cards on washing lines. If based in London under any other model they'd be on a constant run but this uber-cool Manchester co-op is struggling to get the right sort of orders to continue doing the wonder-stuff they do so well. They also do DIY printing so you can learn how to print your own work on quality paper. If you think standard gloss printing looks like trash (compared to this it really does) then please do give them a go with some nice orders. Their favourite client would be any ethical grocer, pub, cafe, event org, other.. that might need a smallish 100-250 x print run of menus, posters, postcard, programmes once a month so they can keep up. Contact Colin Rowan and Lisa Lorenz on website
Jace dom Wed 22 Mar 2023 4:19PM
We are looking for top-notch web developers, web designers, graphic designers, and social media gurus who would like to work on this project and be a part of this great revolution.
Colm Massey Wed 27 Jul 2016 9:18AM
Hi @cathmuller. ISE has just decided to sponsor the camp for £200. Mail me offline to sort out bank stuff and paperwork.
Cath M in Bentley (A Commune in the North/Radical Routes/Platform6) Tue 19 Jul 2016 7:30AM
Co-operators Camp at The Green Gathering, 4-7 August, Chepstow.
see the attached callout for lots more info
Be a crew member
We need sponsorship
Send us flyers/banners/flags/posters
We're still a coupla spaces short of crew, apply here:
Minimum requirements:
1) able to arrive by 3pm Wed 6th and stay til Mon lunch
We want to build a cohesive, co-operative team and
also maximise the time that crew members have to get
to know each other and work together. This is much
more easily done before and after the festival, when
we’ll be busy with punters or wanting to go and enjoy
2) enthusiastic to talk about co-ops in general and your own co-op experiences in particular The point of the co-op camp is to pass on the knowledge of the crew to festival-goers and to generally get across the idea that co-ops are brilliant, political, creative, democratic, inspiring, powerful and exciting.
3) willing to do a variety of tasks including tidying, promotion round the festival, child-care, cooking, setting up and tatting down, fire-making and guarding, hanging around and talking to people. .
Minimum Shift Times
3 x 5 hour shifts during the festival plus set-up/tat down or 4 x 5 hour shifts during the festival. These shifts would incorporate workshops if you're giving them.
Crew tickets: sliding scale, £5-£30 inc breakfast, plus money to cover food which we're doing collectively.
Sponsors needed, anything from £50 and up. There's info on the callout explaining what we need money for. We'll be bigging up sponsors in the exhibition area and on social media and will send reports and photos afterwards. Contact for more info.
Send us your flyers, banners, flags, posters, reports, newsletters, bunting.
We're going to make the camp colourful and amazing and also we'll have a library/exhibition space to promote co-operation in general and any co-ops who send us their own promotional stuff. contact
Irena P · Mon 27 Mar 2023 1:47PM
See pics