
Cooperative Development Foundation (US): Grants (including support for educational tools)

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The Cooperative Foundation Board Awards $25,000 in Grants

The Cooperative Foundation awarded $25,000 in grants during the meeting of the board of trustees on November 10. Grants ranged from research on obstacles to food cooperatives in low income communities to the development of an online business planning tool for cooperatives similar to SBA's Create Your Business Plan.

The following grants were awarded:

$8500 to Northcountry Cooperative Development Fund to support research into obstacles to the expansion of food cooperative development in low-income communities.
$4000 to Worcester Roots to develop an online business planning tool similar to that used by SBA.
$3000 to Cooperative Development Services to support the development of a Small and Strong webinar series targeted at small food cooperatives.
$3000 to NASCO to create an updated, interactive online edition of their organizer's handbook.
$3000 to the Philadelphia Area Cooperative Alliance to support the pilot of a Cooperative Leadership Institute targeting cooperative leaders in the Philadelphia area.
$2500 to Indiana Cooperative Development Center to support the peer to peer track of the 2016 Up and Coming, Up and Running Conference for new and start up cooperatives.

The 2016 application deadlines for grants are April 1 and October 1. Grant guidelines and application are available at www.thecooperativefoundation.org.

Formed by cooperative leaders in 1945, The Cooperative Foundation awarded nearly $90,000 in grants in 2015. The Cooperative Foundation's mission is to expand and enhance cooperatives through research, teaching, extension, innovation, and development.

Contact: Leslie Mead


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