MGP Chair with BoE
Mary Rooker was made the legal chair of MGP with the state BoE while our co-chair election was contested. This is a gross abuse of power and an attempt to legitimize a disputed election using an outside entity. We must ensure that unilateral decisions cannot be made for the MGP.
The chair position with the state BoE is nothing more than a hoop to jump through to be a political party in MD. Therefore, there is no reason not to allow Liv, who is one of two co-chairs (and is undisputed) to occupy that position. Since Mary has taken over, multiple people have lost access to Nationbuilder and we cannot have delay in the operations of our party. I have asked multiple questions of Mary, who has not offered any level of transparency and therefore I believe Liv should occupy the legal chair position as to not allow ourselves to be inhibited in doing the normal functions of the party. Again, this is just a legal hurdle to jump through and it has no bearing on the resolution of this year's elections, however it does have implications on whether or not we want to remain stalled while we deal with the issues before us.
Per our approved decision-making process this proposal should be considered an emergency allowing for discussion to be limited to 24 hours. This is also considered a process issue as it is merely a legal requirement, therefore the threshold for passing the proposal will be a simple majority (50%+1).
Poll Created Tue 27 Jul 2021 2:26PM
Proposal on MGP Chair Closed Wed 28 Jul 2021 9:02PM
The proposal has passed with 9 votes in support, 3 opposed, and 1 abstention.
Liv Romano will immediately be made the official chair with the state, as she is the only uncontested co-chair.
An 'agree' vote supports immediately making Liv Romano the MGP Chair on file with the BoE.
A 'disagree' vote opposes it making Live Romano the MGP Chair on file with the BoE.
Results | Option | % of points | Voters | |
Agree | 69.2% | 9 |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Abstain | 7.7% | 1 |
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Disagree | 23.1% | 3 |
Undecided | 0% | 3 |
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13 of 16 people have participated (81%)

Matt Hand
Tue 27 Jul 2021 2:27PM
Liv Romano is the only undisputed Co-Chair of MGP and therefore should be the Co-Chair considered the Legal Chair of the MGP with the State Board of Elections.

Justin Sindall
Tue 27 Jul 2021 7:23PM
Mary Rooker did not win a single seat fairly & honestly & should not be sat at all. Further, any affront to Radical Democracy impedes our ability to enforce the other 9 key values.

Vincent S Tola
Tue 27 Jul 2021 10:12PM
Liv should be the one on our paperwork, as she is the only uncontested chair.
Robb Tufts
Tue 27 Jul 2021 2:27PM
I was under the impression that this proposal was blocked (but I'm new to these procedures). Additionally, the AAGP recognize the "official" results posted by the outgoing co-chairs over the "preliminary" results that use rules that violate the bylaws. So based on this, Mary should be considered co-chair as well as Liv until a new vote is held. I'm also concerned that we are violating the bylaws by allowing the 2nd membership coordinator to vote and be counted towards quorum.

Wed 28 Jul 2021 12:17PM
I was under the impression that we had 2 chairs when I voted and now that's not actually true? I want what the voters want and I believe we all were under the impression that we operate with 2 chairs.
Nailah Dawkins
Wed 28 Jul 2021 1:53PM
I vote yes.
Steve Kramer
Wed 28 Jul 2021 8:23PM
The Howard County Green Party has registered a blocking concern on this proposal, which is in violation of Bylaws stated at the time of the block. This has been ignored by the proposer - a gross violation of process.
The blocking concerns some delegates have expressed includes explanation on how having only one co-chair is in direct violation of our bylaws.
Nancy Wallace (Maryland, Delegate) (they/them/theirs)
Wed 28 Jul 2021 8:39PM
See my comments below.
Charlotte McBrearty - Women's Caucus Delegation Reporter (she/her) · Tue 27 Jul 2021 4:21PM
This is an obvious decision to make until the election issues are resolved.