Thu 20 Feb 2020 4:07AM

Should we use Integrative Consent for decision-making in Social.Coop?

MN Matt Noyes Public Seen by 79

This purpose of this thread is to experiment with an integrative consent process as described here: https://help.loomio.org/en/guides/consent_process/ The model proposal is that Social.Coop adopt the integrative consent method for decision-making on Loomio. We can use an integrative consent process to discuss and maybe reach consent on this proposal. This will give us practice.


Poll Created Thu 20 Feb 2020 4:15AM

Social.Coop should use the integrative consent process described by Loomio/Roundsky for our online decision-making. Closed Tue 25 Feb 2020 10:06PM

by Matt Noyes Tue 25 Feb 2020 10:07PM

I have closed this round and will now re-draft the proposal, taking into account the various questions, suggestions, and doubts raised. I will post it as a new version of the proposal and start a new round, focused on identifying objections. Thank you for the substantive responses!

Proposer: @Matt Noyes

Integrative consent is a simple form of consent decision-making that should help us be more efficient in our decision-making and make it easier for members to understand and participate in the process. The form I propose is described, with a useful video, here: https://help.loomio.org/en/guides/consent_process/?utm_campaign=consent_process_roundsky&utm_term=roundsky

"This round can include clarifying questions, sharing points of information, making any desired responses, including better ideas for the proposal on the table. If there are questions, it is the proposer who gets to answer them or delegate them to whoever they would like to answer that question. During this step it’s very important for the proposer to be listening carefully and paying close attention to what’s being shared for anything that they would like to change about their proposal, which is the third step."


Results Option % of points Voters

0 of 98 people have participated (0%)


mike_hales Thu 20 Feb 2020 10:01AM

Good to have this suggestion @Matt Noyes but it doesn’t seem simple to me, I imagine it would work best within a defined smallish team of folks who regularly work together. Both proposer and facilitator roles need developed literacy, which could take a long time to diffuse in a community as diffuse as ours, and other participants need to understand how to play the game too. Maybe it could be the norm for working groups? But I doubt it would be viable in general.

A separate but related point - our polls often have very low turn out. Do we need to set a quorum? For example, on this poll?


Matthew Cropp Thu 20 Feb 2020 3:18PM

I like the integrative consent model quite a bit, but feel like we should do some sort of info session about it/discussion before putting forward a proposal, so we can make sure we've built a critical mass of people who understand what it entails who can weigh in on the decision that make it policy.


Zee Spencer Thu 20 Feb 2020 4:00PM

Something to keep in mind is that distributed organizations tend to do best when there is low coupling between members.

Are you intending this to be the mandatory "How we make decisions" mechanism, or is this intended to be a mechanism a proposer may consider using as they work towards agreement?


Darren Thu 20 Feb 2020 6:59PM

Not entirely sure what you mean about low coupling, but I'm interested.


Zee Spencer Thu 20 Feb 2020 7:34PM

Coupling is a design and engineering concept where person or piece X has a difficult to break connection to person or piece Y.

In mechanical systems, coupling looks like a joint or gear or what not. In social systems, it often looks like an agreement or contract or law.

My question is basically: "Is this an 'all people must make proposals following this process' or is it 'people may choose to use this process as they make proposals?'"

My personal preference is for the latter.


mike_hales Thu 20 Feb 2020 8:04PM

Is this an 'all people must make proposals following this process' or is it 'people may choose to use this process as they make proposals?'"

Seems to me the former wouldn’t wash. And I believe the latter is too weak to make much difference to more than a handful of very engaged people.

We are a very loose coupled collective?

Reply to this email directly or view it on Loomio ( https://www.loomio.org/d/lDiAVCsd/comment/2184154?membership_token=9sotKmN8P7z6T27aMW2Qs2mQ&utm_campaign=discussion_mailer&utm_medium=email&utm_source=new_comment ).

Change your email preferences ( https://www.loomio.org/email_preferences?unsubscribe_token=QzBWx57NvbTWaCTLmsXy&utm_campaign=discussion_mailer&utm_medium=email&utm_source=new_comment ).



Zee Spencer Fri 21 Feb 2020 1:49AM

I agree, @mike_hales. I sent the link to my worker-coop and they basically said:

1. This looks a lot like DELPHI from the 50s
2. There are a few things that we can start thinking about and using right away; but that the full process seems heavy.

Some of the tips from the guide seem like they'll be useful (put proposals in writing, don't object unless you can state the reason, moving forward can generate more data) to keep in mind starting right away.


Mica Fisher Thu 20 Feb 2020 4:31PM

I really like this model. I think we (the CWG ops team) have made a number of proposals in the last few months that would have benefited from an explicit integration round. I think it will take a bit of training, but that's something worth investing our time in. Also, I think someone can pick up the steps quite well from the 4.5 min video on the page Matt posted. Perhaps it would call for a quick on boarding guide when someone becomes active on the social.coop loomio page?


Matt Noyes Thu 20 Feb 2020 4:47PM

Meta response: Love it. This is how it is supposed to work. My job as proposer is to listen carefully and think about how to integrate these concerns in a new proposal. I will hold off, though, to give more time for others to respond. I do think the short video and the outline/instructions on the page linked in the proposal description are clear and helpful if the process is unclear.

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