Diaspora Facebook/Twitter accounts - in French
I'm from the French speaking part in Switzerland, Diaspora enthusiast for months. There are more and more french speaking members and I would like to offer my help to open Diaspora pages in French on Facebook and Twitter.
mflo Wed 3 Dec 2014 7:28AM
Yes I also posted there and they kind of answered, "just do it". I wanted the people making the english speaking page to know...
mflo Thu 4 Dec 2014 8:47AM
French Facebook Page is on. Please like!! https://www.facebook.com/pages/Diaspora_fr/609144909191595?sk=timeline

Jason Robinson Sat 6 Dec 2014 6:49PM
Great, shared it from the English page! :)

Jason Robinson Sat 6 Dec 2014 6:52PM
Oh, @mflo could you add the page to the project assets, with your (diaspora used) name and also those others who have admin access to the page and possibly even maintain that info? Thanks :)
mflo Sun 7 Dec 2014 10:04AM
I'm sorry, I'm very non-tech, I have no idea how to wiki :-(((
Can you maybe add it for me? my diaspora username is "mfloris", no other admin yet.
#update - ok I did it with some friend help and he'll be heping me witn the page
Rich · Sun 30 Nov 2014 8:48PM
Cool! The French community on Diaspora Forum is growing rapidly, they will probably be only too pleased to help you out if needed :)