Wed 7 Mar 2018 4:34PM
Board meeting 8 March 2018 agenda
Jon Harley
Seen by 307
8/3/2018 at 7.30pm
- Agree chair
- Apologies
- Matters arising not on this agenda (minutes already approved)
- Report on enquiries to the board (all)
- Financial report (Jon)
- Corporation tax (Jon)
- Accountant (Brian)
- Membership drive for organisations (Rob)
- Tileserver/UK/Welsh render (Adam)
- App (Adam)
- AGM Manchester 19 May (Rob)
RobJN Fri 9 Mar 2018 1:40PM
A couple notes:
I'm not sure if Open Data Manchester are an ODI node.
A joint agenda with them is advisable as it will result in more people attending. Julian is pulling his part together. I'll liaise with Brian to get our part integrated into the day.
Finally, via SotM, I discovered that open map tiles offers free vector tiles to community groups like ours. Maybe worth exploring.
Jon Harley · Fri 9 Mar 2018 11:21AM
DRAFT minutes
for approval: Brian, Adam, Gregory
Brian chairing, Jon taking minutes
Apologies: Rob
Matters Arising
* 360 Camera: Rob needs to be reimbursed, less rental income to date. ACTION: Rob to forward receipts
* Gregory requested expenses for the Geospatial Commission Workship. RESOLVED: to approve this. ACTION: Gregory to forward travel reciept.
* GeoMob Gregory and Rob have been advising Adam what to present ACTION: Gregory to forward some PP slides to Adam for further material
* App/Tile server: Adam has had no reply from AA, will approach at GeoMob
* AGM: Jon and Adam volunteered to stand down at the AGM to create the 2 required board vacancies
Enqiries to the Board
* Brian received an enquiry from ?consultants ACTION: Brian to post details on Loomio, to be included in these minutes
Financial Report
* no new ordinary members, 2 new corporate members (now paid up)
Corporation Tax
* HMRC have agreed to update their records so that the first accounting period will be 1/7/17-31/3/18, and future periods ending on 31/3 annually. Jon has signed up for a government gateway account for OSMUK to manage CT. Expecting paperwork in the post from HMRC.
* Brian has negotiated a deal with local accountancy firm IamMoose who will prepare our accounts FOC for the first period, in return for us using their software at £5/month. RESOLVED: to use IamMoose for this year. ACTION: Brian to chase them for a Letter of Engagement, and put them in touch with Jon to take this forward.
Corporate Membership Drive
* ACTION: Brian to decide which organisations to contact in March
UK/Welsh Render
* Rob has been liaising with Satorliab who expect to secure funding to maintain their Welsh render
* We have previously agreed that the first priority for a UK render is cartography, but have not found suitable volunteers for this. RESOLVED: to discuss this with members at the AGM as part of a wider discussion about ongoing priorities.
* Adam has started some design sketches based on the workflows developed with Jon, some screens are easy and others more difficult. ACTION: Adam to share the sketches so far, Jon to give feedback and input
* RESOLVED: Adam to run a workshop on this app (and maybe other apps?) at the AGM
* We may do a workshop that ties in with ODI who are looking at doing something to commemorate the bicentenary of the Peterloo Massacre
* RESOLVED to accept two proposed workshops
* ACTION: Adam to plan app workshop
* RESOLVED: to publish the AGM venue and agenda on 3 April
* We will need a report on activities for the CIC regulator which we should also present at the AGM. There should also be a report on finances.
* ACTION: Brian to draft an Agenda.
* ACTION (Greg?): to advertise the two board vacancies and call for Special Resolutions by 13 March (the deadline is 3 April)
* ACTION: Jon to draft a detailed process for the elections based on the requirements of our AoA
* ACTION: Rob to continue to liaise with ODI Manchester and report at next board meeting
Meeting ended +43 minutes.
Next meeting: 12 April.