Wiki page for Organizing Circle
What needs to go on the wiki page for Organizing Circle?

Eduardo Mercovich Fri 14 Jun 2024 8:33PM
Hello everyone.
This is a proposal for the OC wiki home page (the index links are not real, just showing the structure).
[Brief description paragraph of what the OC is today, ending with links to [current working topics], [help for newcomers] and [About the OC] in the bottom of the page (or another)].
Are you new in Social.Coop?
Current working topics
Topic A
Topic B
Topic N
Meeting minutes
About the OC
Are you new in Social.Coop?
Some pointers to other important pages:
policies and agreements
how to start
what other WG we have.
¿Anything else?
Current agreements
agreement A (brief line or TD structure with link to discussion or page if it is big)
agreement B (brief line or TD structure with link to discussion or page if it is big)
agreement C (brief line or TD structure with link to discussion or page if it is big)
agreement N (brief line or TD structure with link to discussion or page if it is big)
Current working topics
Topic A
Brief description/ current status + links to appropriate places (loomio, microblogging conversations, etc.)
Topic B
Brief description/ current status + links to appropriate places (loomio, microblogging conversations, etc.)
Topic N
Brief description/ current status + links to appropriate places (loomio, microblogging conversations, etc.)
Meeting minutes
[in chronological -inverse?- order]
dd/mm/yy > main keywords/ topics [with link to loomio]
dd/mm/yy > main keywords/ topics [with link to loomio]
dd/mm/yy > main keywords/ topics [with link to loomio]
dd/mm/yy > main keywords/ topics [with link to loomio]
dd/mm/yy > main keywords/ topics [with link to loomio]
dd/mm/yy > main keywords/ topics [with link to loomio]
About the OC
MarieVC Also in the WG1, WG2, WGN (if any)
Kathe TB Also in the WG1, WG2, WGN (if any)
Flancian Also in the WG1, WG2, WGN (if any)
Caitlin Waddick, @CaitlinWaddick@Social.Coop. Also in the WG1, WG2, WGN (if any)
Eduardo Mercovich Also in the WG1, WG2, WGN (if any)
Matt Noyes Also in the CWG, WG2, WGN (if any)
[When and where we meet, modus operandi, etc.]
Every 2 weeks
Meet.Coop room:
Sociocratic style meetings
We make minutes [like so]
keep the current agreements here in the wiki.
… and election discussions on loomio:]
WDYT? :)
Kathe TB Wed 19 Jun 2024 2:46PM
Copying over the recap of our discussion here
We decided to draft two wiki pages incorporating the below feedback into this original proposed structure.
Good introduction to the page with a kick-off paragraph of what to expect/purpose on the page.
Overall a 'new to Social Coop' section is fantastic but probably deserves it's own page, we recommend cross linking this page in a side-bar or header/footer sections.
Current agreements/policy section should get pealed off to it's own page. Note to integrate the review of these pages into the annual rhythms moving forward.
Current working topics as well as the minutes/notes will require a lot of maintenance to keep up with. We decided to link in the general 2024 recaps loomio thread here instead
We were torn on including a members list. There were some concerns that this might be burdensome to keep up to date. We pinned this for future discussion
We lined the operations section here as well as the origin/creation story for the group
Thanks so much for giving us some structure to work with here @Eduardo Mercovich ! We are going to review/revisit this with some new wiki pages next call.
Kathe TB Wed 19 Jun 2024 3:36PM
Noting here that we need to resolve duplications between and
Kathe TB Wed 19 Jun 2024 3:43PM
Discussion on here. What is missing? Is there anything that is incorrect on here?
Kathe TB Wed 19 Jun 2024 3:44PM
Thoughts on What is missing? Is there anything incorrect on here?
Kathe TB Wed 3 Jul 2024 4:20PM
Recap from
We have a wiki page that was overall favorably seen. Called out specifically was the link to loomio threads and groups, sketch of the agendas, simple language, and layout of the decision log. Suggested revisions are to pull out the links from the text and move them to a list at the bottom of the section, as well as adding an annual rhythm for overall meeting topics that includes regular revision of the wiki.

Matt Noyes Fri 26 Jul 2024 10:16PM
Hi folks, I found this interesting mind map, made after a strategy meeting in Nov. 2022. It might be useful to go over it together...
Kathe TB · Fri 7 Jun 2024 12:59AM
We also discussed wiki. We want the wiki to provide both onboarding information as well as document decisions and policy made by the circle. @Eduardo Mercovich very kindly took over setting up wiki pages for us. We need to work this into our pattern of work to keep updated and still need to integrate how we are going to revisit items at the end of the term.