Maori engagement in community development and business
On Facebook the question was put: "Should 'mainstream' Motueka do more to encourage the aspirations of local iwi in community development and business, and if so, how? Or is it up to Maori to take the steps needed?"
These were the comments made there:
Lynda Hannah -- Perhaps we need to define "mainstream" Motueka first...
Linda Glew -- We all want a rich environment and a rich future for our next generations - I believe we all need to work together to bring those visions into reality. A bigger and deeper pool of history and culture can benefit a wider diversity of peoples - sometimes the process can be painful in the growing, but the picture is not whole (or holistic) without all of the parts. We can do so much more together in the learning.
Sue Clark -- Kono is an excellent example of a business that is promoting itself overseas with very good results. I do not like the' them and us' idea, I would like to think of Motueka people as a whole and not be divisive. Perhaps we should persuade Te Awhina Marae to put forward their ideas on this page in answer to your question?
Rochelle Whitwell-Archer -- Maybe I am misguided, but local Iwi look to be doing a pretty good job around here business wise and otherwise...It is all perception I know but ?....What do local Iwi want? I cannot speak for local Iwi, My thoughts only? are to keep educating in ways of Tikanga Maori and with the skills and love of all of us, maybe we can work with...our environment .
Allanya Lani -- The wording of this question speaks volumes...
Sue Jepson -- Thank you for say that Allanya Lani - I felt it too. But David Armstrong has raised an issue that needs addressing, whether the question is worded the correctly or not. I believe David's intentions were for the best - there seems to be a lack of presence re. local iwi in the SME sector. I like to promote NZ culture and history - all of it - the early Maori settlers and the early European settlers, through the 20th C up to the present. However, it is hard to find much re. local Maori and that is not helped by the myriad of websites that promote Nelson Tasman tourism, where we are lucky if we find one or two pages. I would love to find out more and I would love to promote all aspects of our local history.
David Armstrong -- Point taken about the wording. I was struggling to find a word to use for those who are not tangata whenua, and put "mainstream" in quotes to suggest that. I go to many public meetings put on by Council and the community board, and several hui at the marae, and like it or not the fact is that very few Maori attend "civic" public meetings and very few non-Maori attend things like Te Atiawa AGMs. I also talk with many leaders, Maori and not, and in the most part (particularly among pakeha leaders) I see the same sort of hesitancy to work together in partnership, rather to get on with things the way each group always has. In my question I'm asking how this can be changed (if you feel it should - I certainly do).
Ann Martin -- Just to clarify Te Awhina Marae's position-we are responsible for the management of Te Awhina Marae. We do not speak for our Iwi who are Ngati Rarua and Te Atiawa who are independent bodies and have lengthy histories in this area.
The discussion is now open on this forum. Please join in with your own comments and suggestions.
Pania Konecna · Sat 18 Apr 2015 9:28AM
When you ask whether one group should be encouraging the aspirations of another group, is it with an awareness of what that other group's aspirations might be? Perhaps it would be a good idea to enter into a dialogue which clarifies everyone's aspirations, in order that we might find places where common interest lie ... and also where each group might be useful in encouraging and assisting the aspirations of the other.