Thu 26 Nov 2020 5:14PM

Platform 6 AGM

G Graham Public Seen by 67

Our AGM is coming up on Dec 10th at 6.30pm. Members of the co-operative have been invited, and we're also happy to welcome others with an interest in our work who are not currently members, although only members have voting rights at the meeting. More details about the AGM and online registration for the call is at https://platform6.coop/civicrm/event/info?reset=1&id=1

We've got an exciting future ahead with lots of innovative activity moving into full swing. If you're not yet a member now is a great time to get more closely involved. More about membership and how to join here: https://platform6.coop/membership

We'r also keen to welcome into membership any of the groups that have been using our Open Collective facility over the last year so so. If that's you, please get in touch with Graham (graham@platform6.coop) so that we can get your membership in place.

Co-op members are also very welcome to stand for election to the board.


Kate Whittle Thu 10 Dec 2020 1:18PM

Apologies if I'm looking at it and can't see the wood for the trees but is there a meet.coop link for tonight?


Graham Thu 10 Dec 2020 1:20PM

You should have received the details in the confirmation email that was sent when you registered. But I'll share it here anyway: https://ca.meet.coop/b/gra-koa-gte-dah