Fri 30 Mar 2018 5:48PM
[post - published] Liège - Vert Ardent

Same as usual : Pirates de Liège are going to publish an article about Vert Ardent. The writing of the article is currently in progress.
Once the article is written, I'll share it here, but would it be possible to validate it quickly? As this discussion is public...

Renaud Van Eeckhout Fri 30 Mar 2018 6:24PM
Not really. Liège Pirates are currently taking another decision about VA (let's say it's "next step" after the one we took 2 weeks ago, and there will be a communiqué about it.
Actually, we could validate the publishing tomorrow at the Lab (the people present tomorrow will likely be +- the same as the people who would validate it here anyway).
Josse · Fri 30 Mar 2018 6:20PM
So, 2 articles on the same subject then?