Wed 1 Mar 2017 8:16PM

Proposal for an ECA moment in Athens, during the SE Congress, June 2017

RVD Ruby van der Wekken Public Seen by 26

Proposal for an ECA moment to be held in Athens during the 4th European Social Solidarity Economy Congress, 9-11 June 2017.

As is also sketched in the Commons & Social and Solidarity economy policy proposal worked on under the ECA, the Commons are an important part of a Solidarity economy. We can see the developing of a solidarity economy - including the increased cooperation between solidarity economy actors and the developing of new practices - as a furthering of our Commons and commoning. A solidarity economy furthering and upholding our commons is also what importantly gives a Commons its solidarity values, whilst building towards a more responsible, democratic and inclusive society.

The Congress in Athens (UniverSSE 2017 - www.universse2017.org), during which also the RIPESS European Solidarity economy network will be holding its Annual General Meeting, is as such a very good moment to promote a mutual recognition of the strands, and to dedicate this moment to the discussion of what kind of economy in and for the commons.

At the Congress, one of the thematic zones will be on "Commons and SSE: Approaches and practices on digital, natural, urban, cultural common goods". The RIPESS EU network for its part intends to prelaunch a working group on the commons this month, and then plans to take this further also in Athens.

The ECA in Athens will as such also be a moment to be feeding into the policy shaping process on Commons & Social and Solidarity economy - bringing the result from ECA Brussels to Athens, and opening the process then further up on a european and national level. Concrete outcome of the ECA moment would as such be a more broadly shared SE & commons policy document.

Attendance at the SE Congress in Athens is free of charge, and the organising committee intends to help participants in finding solidarity accommodation. Should there be an ECA moment in Athens, it would be wonderful if support given could be in the form of some ECA people’s attendance, who could also think along in the preparations of this ECA moment. The earlier this would be known, the better for the process.

with greetings from Ruby & Jason


Dimitris Koukoulakis Thu 20 Apr 2017 6:46AM

Hi all, I will be in Athens during the Universse Congress as we will be presenting our project and will be happy to participate in an ECA moment. If we want this to be open to new participants I can inform several people from Athens who have been working in Commons t join.


Nicole Leonard Wed 10 May 2017 12:36PM

We will have a call on Tuesday hopefully you can join!


Nicole Leonard Wed 10 May 2017 12:45PM

Summary of call (not many present so we need another, hopefully Tuesday May 16, fill out frama): https://framadate.org/PghNwGxQV7j5qY8QbeCMsSzU/admin

Two events scheduled
1) Assembly - panel, discussion: convergence SSE and commons. Pad: https://europeancommonsassembly.hackpad.com/Assembly-ECA-in-Athens-1-a0HyLHMNMqN
Bad time slot, 10-12 on Sunday. Trying to combine with another session on Saturday 10-12.

2) Workshop - Policy experiences and tactics. Pad: https://europeancommonsassembly.hackpad.com/Workshop-on-Policy-ECA-in-Athens-2-QXZxH9xVpAo

-Please fill out pads with content, invitees, etc. that you think are relevant.
-So far Ana Margarida can (hopefully with others) host the workshop (#2).
- Another group, not sure who yet, is hosting an open Assembly on commons so we probably want to combine with them for #1, especially given the bad time slot.


Dimitris Koukoulakis Wed 10 May 2017 6:19PM

Unfortunately I could not participate in the calls you made, but I would like to contribute that the current call and purpose of open assembly and the workshop seem not to have clear goals. For example I believe that if we hold an open discussion about the Commons and SSE a lot of people once again will have different opinions on what is the Commons and what is the SSE and I do not see how the outcome of such a discussion can be productive apart from informative perhaps for some people who may join and do not know what the Commons are. On the other hand if this is one of our goals it may be better to do presentations and showcase examples. Similarly about the workshop the "policy proposals" seems very general, people may join from digital commons, urban, natural and so on... and all of these people again have different views even in how to organize themselves, take decisions, work and so on and again. We have already experienced this in Brussels. So I suggest to either make it more specific or suggest that the workshop will split into specific thematics. If you agree with this we should propose the thematics and include them on the call alongside the previous work that has been done, if any, so that any participants will be informed before hand and hopefully get a good understanding of what this workshop is about.


Nicole Leonard Thu 11 May 2017 4:02AM

Yes, we are working on this (more precision), hence the call on Tuesday.


Panayotis Antoniadis Sat 13 May 2017 6:25PM

is the call on Tuesday scheduled? The farmadate poll was empty ...


Jason Nardi Sun 14 May 2017 9:13AM

Hi Nicole and all,

I will no longer be able to join on Tuesday at 11 - but could at 3pm if other are OK with it. Otherwise I can send a few written notes.



Nicole Leonard Tue 16 May 2017 11:36AM

Hi guys, sorry. Ruby and Laura and I spoke today:

Call summary with a bit of my own interpretation on what we can do for content thrown in. Hopefully it is comprehensible, I’m in a rush, sorry!

Technical points:
- Nicole contacted organizers to check up on timing of the program
- Don’t have times yet but once we do, will need to check for overlap (e.g. make sure Ruby, Natalia and Laura’s other sessions don’t overlap with ECA)
- Nicole will clean up both pads at the end of this week with clear framing, then we can all circulate the invite to make sure people are informed/can add input on the pads (especially for the Assembly)
- We will all need to help to invite people once we have this!

-Keeping an open conversation format.(Still need a moderator if you have an idea)
- Start with intro on ECA, history, many different movements within commons, a space for this diversity but also hopefully convergence…
- SSE/Commons: also a diversity of opinions. Some people don’t see them together but others find them very complementary. Where are they complementary (e.g. maybe in labor, social protection, others)? Where do they diverge?
- Everyone can put some blurbs/opinions on the hackpad and we can open this up for input before the Assembly, then use it as a guide to the conversation
- Ending question: Where are we? Separate movements or growing together?
- Need some sort of documentation of this conversation (Ruby and Laura mentioned taking notes)

(2) Workshop (A.M. Esteves has offered to moderate...)

More focused than #1 Assembly. Framing: How to interact with public institutions and organize/create policy in a productive way. At the ECA we had a collaborative process of production before Brussels and led us to this “policy proposal” (can use content from the proposal also as the framing as it is pretty general, pad here: https://europeancommonsassembly.hackpad.com/Commons-Social-and-Solidarity-Economy-OCkfWR3GCSL. We see this production of knowledge as important to the assembly and our struggle to promote the commons. So we hope to fill in what’s discussed here to the wiki/proposal. Also, we had an Assembly (1) here, where we saw: _____(recap main takeaways from assembly).

We want to respond to and develop the “proposal” part. One way to do that is to add in some other thematics that are missing. The proposal currently talks about funding (maybe good to find an example to present here?); we can also add social protection and labor as integral to the commons and SSE. Another way to add is to focus on production, tool sharing, and policy recommendations. (Labor is also on the agenda for the next forum on SSE at the European Parliament -date TBA, maybe in November, along with financing, urban policy, and some other topics).

So, Laura will present the tools from France- coop des commons/ co-building policies with the French culture sector (she is working on translation to English now).

Maybe another presentation?

Discussion/remarks? Group think on similar examples?

If time, final discussion: A concrete exercise in strategy and organizing: what are the priorities to bring to the next SSE forum in Brussels? In general? Focusing on thematics of labor, financing, (other)?

-> Will also need to consider note-taking so we can build this into the wiki afterwards :)


Nicole Leonard Fri 19 May 2017 4:36PM

Hi all
So I cleaned up the pads to make them more publicly accessible so people can contribute ideas and get an easy overview of what we have in mind in the leadup to Athens.

This means I've deleted some of our internal notes, on moderation and invitees. I think these are now in a good enough state to share with people we want to invite, e.g. as Ruby suggested the Greek alliance of commoners. Here they are again:



I think we are clear on what we are doing for the Assembly; the workshop is not 100% clear (we're getting there). Take a look at a what I wrote for the framing though please, we're making progress!


Nicole Leonard Fri 19 May 2017 4:36PM

Tell me if you think the pads are better ;)


Nicole Leonard Fri 26 May 2017 11:11AM

Here is an invite you can share:

ECA in Athens at UniverSSE Congress

As part of the 4th Social and Solidarity Economy Congress June 9-11, the European Commons Assembly (europeancommonsassembly.eu) would like to invite those who will be in Athens to two sessions. You can also participate now, before the event itself, by contributing your opinions and examples on the hackpads below.

If you plan to attend and want to receive more information, fill the form: https://goo.gl/forms/Sqk2xhLZ4M7R8EZ92

  1. Open Assembly: “What Economy for the Commons?” - Exploring convergence between SSE and commons (Saturday June 10, 12:15pm to 2:15pm)

We will hold a 2-hour session with a short framing and then open discussion to explore our mutual understanding of how the commons and social and solidarity economy relate to each other. It is also an opportunity to discover the European Commons Assembly (ECA), make new introductions, and connect with local commoners.

There are a variety of views on the relationship between the Social and Solidarity Economy and commons. Some see the two as vitally complementary, while others are more hesitant. Where specifically are there points of convergence, and what aspects are crucial for the commons? Where do they diverge? How are these two movements growing together?

Hackpad: In order to frame this debate, we encourage you to share views on this subject in the hackpad - there are already some opinions there. There is also a space for links to resources that you wish to share: https://europeancommonsassembly.hackpad.com/Assembly-ECA-in-Athens-1-a0HyLHMNMqN#:h=Participants-

  1. Workshop: European policy for SSE and Commons (Sunday June 11, 10:00am to 12:00pm)

After the Assembly (ECA in Athens 1), we focus on developing policy for the commons and SEE. The rationale for this is laid out in the ECA's SSE proposal Commons Social and Solidarity Economy.
This proposal was the outcome of a collaboration of members of the Assembly in the lead-up to our first meeting in Brussels at the European Parliament. The civil society movement(s) for the commons and SSE need to continue to develop methods and content for interacting with the public institutions. One of the ways the ECA proposes to do this is to focus on production of knowledge, via the sharing of tools and strategies that can be relevant for this interaction with policy institutions. In this workshop, we will explore some of these strategies. We also use it to collect concrete proposals for the next Forum for the Social and Solidarity Economy in Brussels at the EP.

Hackpad: Read more, contribute ideas, and share resources before through the hackpad: https://europeancommonsassembly.hackpad.com/Workshop-on-Policy-ECA-in-Athens-2-QXZxH9xVpAo