Sun 9 Jul 2023 9:59AM

COODING event, Bologna, 29-30 September

SWS Sion Whellens (Principle Six) Public Seen by 130

The European federation of co-ops in industry and services, CECOP, invites UK worker cooperators to the COODING event | 29- 30 September 2023 | Bologna (Italy):

https://www.cecop.coop/uploads/file/COODING%20PROGRAM.pdf - registration link and programme

CECOP invites you to the conference: COODING - discussing & enhancing cooperation around the use of digital and new technologies in cooperatives.

CECOP together with Fondazione Centro Studi Doc ETS, Fondazione Pico, and AlmaVicoo, is organising COODING, an event on new and digital technologies for cooperators around the globe.

COODING aims to encourage the cooperative movement to take a stand on the implication of the use of technology and learn how to use it on its own favour. Cooperation among cooperatives is part of our DNA, for this reason the event will explore how digital and tech cooperatives could help other cooperatives to digitalize.

COODING wants to give cooperators the chance to discuss about new technologies with their fellow cooperators and learn from experts in the field, but also to engage into B2B or mentorship activities. The ultimate goal is to improve the cooperatives movement’s ability to seize the opportunities it offers.

If you are interested in joining us in Bologna and take part in this unique opportunity for intercooperation: don’t hesitate and click on the button below to register and learn more !


Billy Smith Wed 12 Jul 2023 7:04PM

Sorry. Posted to the wrong thread.