Gandalf’s Suggestion for a Structure

To begin with, I suggest that we should all carry a deck of Occucards with us, day and night. This would be the NATGAT starting-point. In other words, there is no pressing need to re-argue, recapitulate and re-churn these almost universally agreed upon elements of Occupy ideology. I believe that we in Occupy understand the nature and scope of the problems facing America and the world. The overarching question for Occupy is, "Now what?...Where do we go from here?" Dissent, protest and public-education will always be core elements of Occupy, but I suggest that Occupy 2.0 should include at least these additional features:
First, we should address Occupy self-exploration and self-definition, including issues of unity, cooperation, community and internal-communication. Next, we need to explore issues surrounding outreach to compatible entities, across America and the world, including student-activists and progressive faith-communities. This outreach must include efforts towards racial and ethnic reconciliation, along with greater sophistication in the art of media-penetration (see my previous remarks titled, "A Seat at the Table"). Finally, we might come to some agreement on long and short-term goals,projects and actions which might be reached, during this year's National Gathering.
The proposed mechanism for exploring these Occupy 2.0 issues is the formation of "break-out interest-groups" which could be introduced on-line and at the initial NATGAT General (or Community) Assembly. The following are proposed interest-groups (which are obviously open to modification). 1) Money, Plutocracy and the Love-Revolution 2) Ecology, Agriculture and Energy 3) Law, Justice and the Constitution (including our militarized police-force) 4) Racism, Social-Stratification and Reconciliation 5) Politics, Unity, Media and the Artful-Revolution 6) Militarization, Drones, Nukes and Global Reconciliation.
Ideally, these interest-groups could be scheduled into 2-hr.sessions, three in the morning and three in the afternoon, so that participants could attend more than one interest-group, or participate in other activities. These groups would involve those participants who were particularly interested in working on these issues. There would be optional activities or free-time for those who choose not to participate in this project. Each of the three sites would be provided with PA systems and would be archived for use in the proposed film, "Occupy, the Documentary."
As proposed, these meetings might incorporate the "Paradigm-Shift" model of exploring the issues, using a flip-chart to brainstorm solutions and proposals and finally, synthesize the results into written work-products and action-plans, which would be presented to the Occupy body and interested observers, during the final-day G/A.
The intent of this "achievement-oriented" aspect of the 2014 NATGAT is to set the tone and direction for the coming year, decided upon, not by independent committees and working-groups, but, as much as possible, determined by the acting body of Occupy, working together as a healing and inspirational community.

Justin Sun 22 Jun 2014 8:06PM
Why reinvent the wheel?
A little comprehisive & new to work for NatGat.
Very top down & wo much benefit from past processes or even ideas.
I'd rather stick to working on my areas of passion & not focus on recasting how Occupy works from ground up. Right before we have the event.

Justin Sun 22 Jun 2014 8:06PM
Pss We're at Occupy 4.0 with Detriot fyi

Daniel Hong Mon 23 Jun 2014 2:27PM
@justin2 I think this would be facilitated during the Gathering. How is it top down?
Toad Ficca Mon 23 Jun 2014 2:32PM
To say that Occupy is a ground up organization, means we should be discussing that very thing...right before an event...however, I realize that trying to conduct ideas as if in a corporation, or making a business out of ideas can seem "blasphemous" as in the title: "break out sessions" etc. But sometimes in order to battle, we have to rise to the occasion, right? As in, organizations are just that, and are REALLY good at it...copying that structure (only to a certain extent) helps the battle!!! Just a thought...
Toad Ficca Mon 23 Jun 2014 2:35PM
And, it helps me understand and be able to participate more fully! I realize the paradox of keeping Occupy somewhat confusing in order to a) keep surveillance low, and/or b) continue more of an egalitarian and free thought process, however, that part of it is also its demise as many throughout the nation that could be brought into the change process would benefit from more understanding and less confusion. Therefore, organization can be positive!

Justin Mon 23 Jun 2014 2:51PM
The idea is coming from organizers of NatGat not those on ground at the event & favors those with online access & previous organizational history with us. It also uses Topics as it's focus & not the groups or individuals.
Non-Top Down take would be facilitating a Special Topic Assembly where issues were taken by stakeholders in attendance or a list of topics was formed and GROUPS who work on that area would be invited to participate in a assembly where break out groups.
One could 'ghost in' topics that may not have much buy in other than online with this model.
Have we started to form a Facilitation WG/ Stirring Committee yet?
oswgwhe Mon 30 Jun 2014 11:33PM
Gandalf''s idea could be a statement about our event. Not really a structure, which we have. It starts on Wed with Training and flows through till Sun, with plenty of time and space for many events, some big some small. Collaboration and Coordination.
Toad Ficca · Sun 22 Jun 2014 7:38PM
Hear Here!!!!! That is by far the best idea yet! Do we have essential speakers at each of these "breakout sessions" or is it General Assembly organized? The megaphone is good, it brings attention, and perhaps once formalized, with ideas being understood solidly across the group, then we can take it to the streets and try to educate the bystanders, etc? Toad.