Thu 17 Feb 2022 6:44PM

Site Visit

A Allan Public Seen by 48

We're able to carry out a visit to the site on 6th March inorder to help with planning things and answering a few questions.

I've created a tab on the master spreadsheet for those who want to attend. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1EZAOfgp79imCXlU9UDjlOSsNzRtBw8wUH0WEdjycKCQ/edit?pli=1#gid=797076701 Tab labelled 'Site Visit 6 March', on the right.

If you're not able to go but have questions about the site/spaces that you need answered for your camp/workshop/art/logistics/whatever then post below and hopefully we'll be able to ensure that someone checks it out & can pass on the info.

If you don't have a car we may be able to arrange for someone to pick you up from a nearby public transport stop - check the pubic transport thread, note details on the spreadsheet & post below.

Where: To be advised via email

When: 14:00 on Sunday 6th March

Who: Put yourself on the spreadsheet if you want to join