Sun 31 Oct 2021 11:12AM
GP Sharing Protocol

A container for a discussion about a governance protocol for sharing the GP.

Jennifer Damashek Mon 1 Nov 2021 1:34AM
This process seems useful, clear and easy to follow. I would accept this process as the governance protocol.
Ronen Hirsch · Sun 31 Oct 2021 11:50AM
The following is a proposal for a protocol for governing the sharing of the GP.
For practical demonstration purposes, I have chosen to implement this using Trello. After posting this proposal I will be sending invitations to the Trello board I started. The choice of Trello is also offered as a proposal.
Proposing a Share
This process describes how to propose a person who you wish to gift with a reading of the GP.
Add a new card in the Trello column named "Proposed by <your name>".
Enter the name of the person as the card title.
Write a brief description of who this person is and why you are proposing a sharing of the GP.
Inside the card click on Members and choose the crew member who you would like to do the reading. This can be yourself.
Leave a brief message on discord on the gp-sharing channel to let other crew members know about your proposal. Your message should start with "Proposal:" and include the name of the person and a link to the Trello card.
Add a contact email address to the end of the card-text.
If you would like to make an introduction between the crew member who will give the reading and the person with whom you are proposing the share, please add after the email address the label "Introduction Required."
Expressing Reservation about a Proposal to Share
Label the Trello card with a yellow color.
Add a comment on the Trello card explaining your reservation.
Respond to the proposal on Discord with a :grey_question: emoji.
Expressing Objection to a Proposal to Share
Label the Trello card with a red color.
Add a comment on the Trello card explaining your objection.
Respond to the proposal on Discord with a :thumbsdown: emoji.
Removing Objection to a Proposal to Share
Remove the red label from the Trello card.
Add a comment on the Trello card explaining why your objection has been removed.
Expressing Support for a Proposal to Share
Add a comment on the Trello card explaining your enthusiasm and interest.
Respond to the proposal on Discord with a :thumbs-up: emoji.
Taking Ownership of a Reading
Select a proposal-to-share card that has been assigned to you or has not been assigned to anyone else and has no objections associated with it.
Move the card to the Trello column named "Shared by <your name>".
Open the card and change the assignment of the card to the person who proposed the sharing. Since you have moved the card to your sharing-column, this will provide a lasting record of who proposed the share.
Label the card with a purple color.
Giving a Reading
Add to the end of the card-text a line that says: Shared on: <date>
Edit the card name and add after the name a sharing code. The sharing code is your initials and a three-digit number that indicates which number sharing this is for you. If this is my first reading the code would be RH001. If this is my second reading the code would be RH002.
Add a comment on the Echoes from Sharing Loomio thread with a summary of the feedback you received from the person to whom you gave the reading. Being the thread with an H2 title that includes the sharing code assigned to the card.