Thu 15 Oct 2015 12:03PM

Endeavour and Principles

BJ Bev Johnson Public Seen by 401

Hi - now that the final tweeking is being done to what enkel is I would like to start a discussion about what principles we want to guide our operations. The principles capture the values that guide our operations. It is hard to start designing principles from scratch. I have used the Principles for Collaboration at http://www.finance.gov.au/sites/default/files/Tier%201.pdf as my starting point.

We used this as the starting point for the principles that were in the Community Project that Elaine headed. Could you check them out and start to think of the principles that you think should guide our operations?


Andrew Tran Fri 16 Oct 2015 3:48AM

Principle 1 and 2 are a must otherwise projects will disintegrate.

"willingness to be pragmatic, focus on what is possible and take action to
find solutions." In principle 3 is important.

Principle 4 is dependent on our governance structure. We need a group of decision makers making sure that each opportunity to collaborate is in line with enkel's vision and values. Or we can open it up to Loomio as the system.

Principle 5 follows principle 1.

Principle 6 follows principle 1 & 2.

Principle 7 & 8 are a must.

Principle 9 doesn't have to be so formal as long as there is some indication of roles, responsibilities and expectations in written form.


Adam Jorlen Fri 16 Oct 2015 4:02AM

Principle 8 must be changed. We work in open door, public environments with transparency and open source philosophy. A secure environment is a must but the rest should be amended to pretty much the exact opposite. Privacy and confidentiality is not part of enkel. (except the toilet in the minilab)

The others are good, but I think the expression "service delivery" needs to be changed.


Adam Jorlen Fri 16 Oct 2015 4:08AM

I also think we should steal some of these principles from the MIT media lab.


Bev Johnson Sat 17 Oct 2015 11:55AM

I have taken on board the comments above and drafted the attached set of Principles which is a considerable advance on the National Principles that I put up a few days ago.
I gave consideration to the MIT principles and think some of them encompass the spirit of enkel but don't cut it as actionable principles for us at the moment... .like how do we mandate "learning over education" or "pull over push". These might be principles that suit a mature organisation that has become bogged down in bureaucracy that they are trying to escape.


Adam Jorlen Mon 19 Oct 2015 3:50AM

Excellent @bevjohnson . I suggest that you create a proposal for vote.


Adam Jorlen Mon 19 Oct 2015 3:52AM

And nice solution for the contradiction between transparency and privacy :)


Bev Johnson Mon 19 Oct 2015 7:14AM

Can we have a bit more input to the Principles suggested before we put it to a proposal?


Elaine Olsen Mon 19 Oct 2015 12:50PM

Hi Bev, are you able to post your revised principles in word doc format? For some reason the rft format is coming up jumbled.


Deleted account Mon 19 Oct 2015 1:23PM

I like MIT's principles except "Disobedience over Compliance". I prefer "Curiosity over Compliance".


Bev Johnson Wed 21 Oct 2015 5:24AM

Sorry Elaine - I was about to say it IS in Word... then checked. Oops.

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