Thu 22 Mar 2018 5:28PM

Call for tender:

JA John Atherton Public Seen by 57

Thanks everyone for promoting UnFound. Applications are rolling in and we're confident of a strong participant cohort.

The programme is structured around a series of masterclasses, including one titled 'Platform development, a route to success'

We'd love for one of the Co-Tech co-op to facilitate this session, so are seeking a brief outline on how you would approach this. Not that we are promoting inter-co-op competition but it would be great to get a couple of different approaches from different co-ops.

This session takes place on 15 May in London and aims to equip participating co-ops with the skills to work with developers, from MVP to full product. Here's the blurb we've shared online:

"What's your MVP? We will challenge you to continue to test your platform's feasibility. This session will explore your tech development, and how to effectively brief and work with developers. It will also include service design and working on your UX"

The programme is being sponsored by the Co-op Bank and Hive programme, we can offer 2 days @ £400 p/day + VAT and expenses to develop and deliver the session. Please email unfound@uk.coop with your suggestions.
