Fri 30 Oct 2015 3:23AM

Constitutional Meeting. Everyone welcome.

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We hope that we can have a full muster for the meeting on November 8th. See below.


Deleted account Fri 30 Oct 2015 3:26AM

Picton Dawn Chorus Incorporated (PDC) are holding a constitutional meeting at 8.30am, on Sunday November 8th, 2015, at Le Café, London Quay. This follows two other meetings held successfully at this time and place.

Everyone is welcome; choose to have breakfast before, during or after the meeting.

We have nominations in hand but always looking for more. At the meeting, the final committee will be voted in to place, (replacing the existing steering committee). Please post your nominations for committee members to this discussion or email them to [email protected]. You are welcome to nominate yourself.

Only paid up members of PDC Inc, will have the right to vote; the $10 membership fee can be paid at the meeting.

If you are interested to in being a member but can’t make the meeting, please post your comments here, or email [email protected].

Please pass this information on to anyone who may be interested.


Deleted account Wed 4 Nov 2015 8:49PM

Some comments about the 8.30am Sunday meeting this week, at Le Cafe.

We are keen to have as many people, as possible, turn up for this meeting.

I can promise that, if you come to the meeting unwilling to stand for any position, no pressure will be brought to bear on you to change your mind.

However we are still seeking nominations for positions on the committee, so if you feel you can contribute to the committee please let me know.

Please come along and encourage others to join you.