
Decision has been made
Who made the decision: Sam, Fran, Emily
When was the decision made: 4/12/21
Decision summary:
1) Sale date - 12th December 2021 @1pm
2) Sale process - 1st come first serve. Fill in details and info transferes to spreadsheet. Stop at 100 memberships.
3) What does a membership cover? - We are using a two pot system. Fixed costs (POT1) and donation pot (POT2) See budget AP for more details. Membership does not guarantee a bed but beds are available, see Beds AP for more details. Membership does not cover food, that is a seperate buy in at a later date.
3) Sell:
100 x adult memberships @ £80 per person (POT 1) (tbc from budget). £80 can be paid in 2 instalments. 2nd payment due Jan payday. This covers low income tickets along with choice of donation to POT 2.
POT 1 and POT 2 to be presented at the smae time (12th Dec, 1pm). POT 2 to be further promoted in the new year (dependant on Derams process).
15 x under 18s memberships (u15s go free, 15-17s = £30. Any monies raised from teen memberships contributes to buffer. u18s numbers not included in the total 100 capacity.
4) Each member can purchase 1 membership along with as many under 18's additions as they have in their family.
5) Where to post sale link? - Make a new Loomio thread with all relevent membership info and include link.
Trello actions:
tbc budget for final £30, £50 split.
Payment receiving method tbc. Use manual email + bank transfer as a backup.
Set up Loomio thread for MEMBERSHIP SALE, do some nice artwork
This is coppy and paste from Trello card: (perfect for an AP)
(((Starting working on membership process, how many membership can be sold, how should memberships be sold, work with finance/accounting on coving costs
When do membership need to go one sale?
What platform should be used for membership sales?
How many membership can we sell?
Do we need Tiers of memberships to assure affordability?)))
1) When should memberships go on sale? - 15th December with a 22nd backup.
2) How many memberships should be sold? - venue capacity = 100. Sell 120 memberships. Dont use any more money than 100 memberships. If someone can't come anymore then refund their membership. Then we don't have to deal with membership swaps and people are committed from the start, less last minute attendees.
3) 1st come 1st serve spreadsheet sales process. Use a manual person (a Membershipper) to save money. Everyone fills in a questionair with questions like, Name, Email, Bed prefrence. That info goes to a spreadsheet ordered by timestamp. Then the Membershipper emails the 1st 120 names on the sheet with our membership conditions (whatever we decide them to be) and a 1-2 day deadline for money transfer. If someone doesn't purchase membership in time then the 121st name on the sheet gets emailed. Manually check payment against spreadsheet. Is it possible to create a self destruct email so that the 1-2 dedline makes sence and we dont have someone paying a week later when their membership has already been passed on?
Decision deadline - After launch meeting, 2nd Dec
Laura Bennett Mon 27 Dec 2021 4:24PM
I'm looking through all of these links, with lots of in depth info in, but I still don't know where to purchase my membership. Could anyone please lead me to the link of how to pay. Much love, and many thanks xxxx
Deleted account Sun 12 Dec 2021 1:09PM
No! I was 3 minutes late, woops! (check the other thread for the link)

Sam Lee Sun 12 Dec 2021 1:02PM
Check the The great and wonderful MEMBERSHIP SALE thread
Tom Cares Sun 12 Dec 2021 1:00PM
did I miss it? :)
Deleted account Sun 12 Dec 2021 12:18PM
Yes - here :)
Tom Cares Sun 12 Dec 2021 10:57AM
To purchase a membership do we check back here and the Facebook group at 1pm?
Deleted account Wed 8 Dec 2021 9:40AM
I see your point about there being loads of payment points, although no one has to pay in 2 installments - it’s just to make it more accessible for those who can’t afford the full £80 right now. If we stick to the policy of “no second payment by the deadline, membership re-released, if membership bought by someone else then deposit refunded” we shouldn’t have to chase anyone. If we replace the installments system with lower priced low income tickets then the price of standard memberships will have to increase fairly significantly. On balance, I think whilst not perfect, the installments option is the better of the two.
Kitchen memberships will depend entirely on what members come up with, if anything at all. They may decide to make it a Dream and request POT 2 funds to run a kitchen (in which case no separate kitchen memberships sale would be necessary). On the other hand they might decide to sell kitchen memberships completely separately, and only those who buy them eat. OR a whole-burn kitchen team might not emerge at all, and Camps might organise food and gather monies themselves. OR everyone will feed themselves. Personally I think it’d be good to leave this space wide open for members to decide how they wanna feed themselves/the collective, which is more likely to happen once main event memberships have been sold
Iona Steen Tue 7 Dec 2021 10:42PM
Thanks for the work that has been put into this -
I am just waiting from a reply from Pam on the venue capacity And our ability to bring our own structure to creat extra indoor sleeping spaces
I would like to really Caution against a membership system where people have to make multiple payments - ie the second instalment in Jan
I’m my experience (not because people are dicks but mostly cuz they are busy) they are not good a paying for things - especially once their membership is purchased
I think if people have to make multiple payment at different stages - what will happen if those payment just don’t get made and then we spend all our time chasing people for money and we end up feeling really resentful
I think the pot 2 is good idea and if people don’t pay then they just won’t get access to pot 2 if that includes the communal Kirchen
I think we would need to minimise payment points - if people have to pay say 4 times
Once for deposit
Once for rest membership
Once for pot 2
Once for kitchen membership
It will be so Difficult to keep track of who had payed - who has not - ect ect
Deleted account Mon 6 Dec 2021 12:36PM
Well that sounds promising! Any chance you can whip up a test so we can see how it'd look to the buyer? (or share a link to an event you've done through it in the past?)
Iona Steen · Mon 27 Dec 2021 4:28PM
Yes it is not super easy to find- it is I a different thread
But here is the link to buy the membership