OC Meetings Thread (when and how to meet)

OC members post about meetings here: what and when and how will we meet?! Let’s post the meeting time or a link to a proposed agenda or our ideas about how to make decisions. Use this thread to define the scope of a proposed conversation or state how long an agenda item might take. Let’s post a poll for a meeting time or post the decided meeting time or meeting location. We won’t use this thread to discuss OC content or make substantive decisions that aren’t about our meeting practices. … Also, we need a set of meeting rules or covenants for how we agree to treat each other; there are lots of good ones out there to emulate. What do we like?

Eduardo Mercovich Mon 8 Jan 2024 7:23PM
@Kathe TB Hi all. :)
I would suggest putting point 2 (introductions) first, so we get to know each other. Also, if time allows (if this 1st session could be 90 minutes) could we add a point about governance?
Thanks a lot. :)
Kathe TB Mon 15 Jan 2024 4:29PM
@Eduardo Mercovich I can work with that, how about the below revisions?
Kathe TB Mon 15 Jan 2024 4:28PM
How about this for a revised agenda for 15 January 2024?
1200 UTC [15 min] Introduction
1215 [10 min] Agenda review, revision, and consent.
1220 [20 min] Explore - What is our mandate from social.coophttps://www.loomio.com/p/OI8kEjVz/social-coop-organizing-circle-proposal
1240 [30 min] Explore - What tools are we going to use? What do we want a typical meeting to look like? What policies do we need?
1310 [5 min] Backlog create and next meeting
1315 [10 min] How did this go? What worked well and what needs to be improved?
[[updated times]]

Matt Noyes Mon 15 Jan 2024 5:17PM
@Kathe TB Looks great. I suggest we start a Meeting Agendas thread and a separate Meeting Minutes thread (where we can paste notes from the shared documents tab on meet.coop). We do something like this on the CWG. (We will also need a way to track our work and expenses so we can submit invoices on Open Collective. We can talk about that in our toolstack point.) PS - I like the way the agenda goes forward and backward in time. Carlo Rovelli would approve! ;-)
Kathe TB Mon 15 Jan 2024 5:34PM
@Matt Noyes I have a feeling that there will be DISCUSSION on the tool stack. I wonder if we could use Loomio threads to set up the agenda and maybe broadcast a recap but then use the wiki as a record of the notes themselves? Splitting the agenda and minutes into separate threads feels awkward to me but I'd be willing to try it. Then there is the question of having a new thread for each meeting or just one master meeting thread that we update before each call.
I just came across https://slicingpie.com/ in a presentation today, although I'm more inclined to just dedicating some time at the start of each call and keeping a manual tally honestly. If we want pie charts I can mock something up in mermaid or R quickly.
PS. Oh gods do I need someway to reverse the clock. Having a few extra hours in the day would be SO helpful.

Caitlin Waddick, FWG/OC Mon 15 Jan 2024 5:40PM
@Matt Noyes How might it work to have a separate thread for the Meeting Agendas and another for the Meeting Minutes? ... Several of my groups have Living Meeting Minutes; so, the meeting minutes are added in real time to the top of the same document. We can do the same for the agendas. We can pin links to each document at the top of this thread. So, the links to them are always the same locations.

Matt Noyes Mon 15 Jan 2024 6:05PM
@Caitlin Waddick, CaitlinWaddickSocial.Coop Good point - in the CWG we combine agenda and minutes, now that I think about it, using the same Loomio thread.
Kathe TB Mon 15 Jan 2024 6:09PM
@Matt Noyes On thread for each meeting?

Matt Noyes Mon 15 Jan 2024 6:55PM
Interesting. I think if we use the meeting agenda template, it
might be better to have a thread for each meeting, with a common
title where only the date changes?
Kathe TB · Mon 8 Jan 2024 12:29PM
Proposed agenda for our first meeting:
5 min [Opening] Who is here, when are we meeting next, does the agenda need to change?
20 min [Introductions] Who are we? Why are we here? What is our background?
10 min [Review] What is our mandate from social.coop? Are there any questions/curiositiies?
20 min [Exploration] What do we want to DO with this group?