diaspora* software release

This thread is aimed to discuss about the next release of the diaspora* software. It will allow to decide what should be included and what is currently blocking the release. See the next-major milestone on github.

Flaburgan Thu 19 Mar 2015 6:34PM
I personally think that the changelog is way too big and that we should release asap. So I would be in favor of not exposing the chat setting at the moment, and try to come back to our nearly every 3 months unofficial release cycle.
@zauberstuhl you're the one who best knows the status of the chat development, what do you think?
The other core members? @jasonrobinson @dennisschubert @florianstaudacher @jhass @deadsuperhero @steffenvanbergerem @fabianrbz
Rich Thu 19 Mar 2015 8:43PM
Based on this:
The last big issue to solve is the chat integration which encounters several problems, including UI freezes and no idea if it scales correctly. We have no idea how long it would take to solve these issues
I'd agree with your recommendation of not exposing the chat functions just yet.

Jason Robinson Fri 20 Mar 2015 6:40AM
I say we cut an RC asap, even today - sooner the better and then only merge in the most critical fixes and tweaks. Test that RC for at least 2-3 weeks on opt-in pods who want to try it and then release.
IMHO we shouldn't disable the chat feature, instead we should label it as HIGHLY alpha and warn podmins that they activate it at their own risk and recommend waiting for the next iteration in 2-3 months once @zauberstuhl and the crew stabilize it.
Not releasing 0.5 is starting to hurt diaspora* - the majority of pods are seeing development as stagnated.
Deleted account Fri 20 Mar 2015 8:38AM
Agree with Jason. I think the chat need broader audience and tests.
Plus, the release is blocked by bugs that nobody resolve. These should be treated at first.

Maciek Łoziński Fri 20 Mar 2015 1:42PM
Maybe do a release without a chat and then with chat?
Deleted account Fri 20 Mar 2015 1:52PM
It's not a question of numbering and it's not possible a the project follows the SemVer versionning numbering system, where the number of the release is determined by what work has been done ;)
Rich Sun 22 Mar 2015 9:36PM
Ok, what now? Next steps??

Dennis Schubert Mon 23 Mar 2015 5:46PM
Maybe do a release without a chat
Nah. Either a with or without a chat. A would be invalid.
My vote is on releasing with opt-in'able chats and a fat warning it is very, very alpha.
Deleted account Mon 23 Mar 2015 7:58PM
My vote is on releasing with opt-in'able chats and a fat warning it is very, very alpha.
Agree. 0.5 can't wait longer.
Flaburgan · Thu 19 Mar 2015 6:26PM
About the current next-major release,