Questions and follow up from 'Taking Power at a local Level' Jan 21st webinar.

'Taking Power at the Local level' aka 'Flatpackery'.... this thread is to follow up on points that emerge from the Democracy Hub webinar at 7.00 on Tuesday Jan 21st The recording of the event is here. It is unedited so you can simply skip through the 30 min breakout part. Starts 1.00 min in

Peter Macfadyen Tue 21 Jan 2020 3:58PM
Sure does Mr T... come to the webinar and we can discuss! And if the answer doesn't emerge we can return to here!

Peter Macfadyen Tue 21 Jan 2020 9:28PM
From Jason Leman to Everyone: (07:27 pm on webinar)
Residents for Uttlesford took over their District Council last year, and a couple of others... Epsom and Ewell Borough Council has been run by local Housing Associations for about eighty years. So it can be done - just (!) a bigger challenge

Peter Macfadyen Tue 21 Jan 2020 9:29PM
From Jason Leman to Everyone: (08:39 pm webinar)
One of the things It's Our City Sheffield ( is pushing for is making the Council more democratic - which you can do through calling for a governance referendum. We've got a referendum this May - and one of the things pushing within that is to get more local parish / community councils across the city. We're still pretty bound by the mood of the ruling political party though...
Lawrence Morgan Tue 21 Jan 2020 3:52PM
@Peter Macfadyen and @Paul Thistlethwaite will this zoom webinar be recorded and put out, unfortunately myself and some others that would like to attend, can't as we are hosting a climate cafe this evening

Paul Thistlethwaite Tue 21 Jan 2020 3:56PM
Yes we can record :)
Lawrence Morgan Tue 21 Jan 2020 6:13PM
thank you , when done the recording can you please share on this thread for us?

Peter Macfadyen Wed 22 Jan 2020 5:15PM
Paul Thistlethwaite · 7 hours ago
Here is the recording from last night. It is unedited so you can simply skip through the 30 min breakout part.
Vishal Wed 22 Jan 2020 6:28PM
@Peter Macfadyen can you edit your original message and put this link in it?
Lawrence Morgan Wed 22 Jan 2020 10:07PM
thank you @Peter Macfadyen and @Paul Thistlethwaite
Paul Thistlethwaite · Tue 21 Jan 2020 3:43PM
A key question for me is which local authority areas are ripe for Flatpack Democracy. Does it work better in some situations more than others eg village/town/city, current political landscape etc?