Welcome! Please introduce yourself
Take a moment to let the group know a bit about who you are. Post a comment below.
What’s your role or approach to participation in this group? What should people know about you to understand where you’re coming from?
James Tickell Tue 21 Feb 2017 3:35PM
My name is James - and like Graham I'm an architect by training. I'm an incurable optimist, except when I'm being incurably cynical. These days I work with not-for-profit organisations on their governance, and sorting out their problems. I believe strongly in the mutual sector, and I'm excited to be part of this initiative - it could and should be the start of a movement to change the model of agriculture in this country and beyond.
Wendy Alcock Tue 21 Feb 2017 6:28PM
Hello! I'm Wendy and I'm a self-sufficiency wanabee with a tiny ‘farm’ in my North London home. I grow my own food, keep a few cheeky chooks and make my own bread and other foods. I recently started Incredible Edible Barnet to grow food in public places in my community and hopefully #Ourfield takes this idea one stage further so I can learn more about the food I eat with others.
Romy Miller Wed 22 Feb 2017 10:50AM
Hi, I'm Romy. I look after marketing for Gail's Bakery, which is a bakery specialising in sourdoughs and other baked goodies. We use the best ingredients we can find and we bake for our shops which are across London and just beyond. I spend my life thinking about how our customers will hear about and understand what we do. As we focus on making good bread more accessible to the communities we live in, I'm keen to support #OurField to share the journey, using our brand footprint to share the experience.
Christine Lewis Wed 22 Feb 2017 11:59AM
Hello, I'm Christine. My interests here are bread making and heritage grains. Looking forward to changing my priorities and life choices. I am keen on knowing more about the bread supply chain and understanding more about farming pressures and practice. I am very supportive of cooperative development and sharing risk with producers - such a refreshing change. We can do much more together than apart. Great to be on board #OurField Weston in such a supportive community.
Darren Wed 22 Feb 2017 1:47PM
Hello, I'm really interested in people growing their food together (which I understand we may not be doing- but I really hope we will be). I'm particularly excited about the collaborative governance model of this project- I've been imaging a CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) scheme run like this for some time (I don't think such a thing has happened?) and am intrigued to see how things will go.
I'm pasionate about soil, permaculturey type stuff, open source technologies (software, hardware and beyond into the social sphere) and how groups collaborate to achieve stuff (and how they can do it better). In line with this I collaborate in a few projects Travelling Toolbox, SoilHack and A project to enable access to land by living (full or part time) as a co-operative of nomadic farmers
Tristram Stuart Wed 22 Feb 2017 4:45PM
Hi, I'm Tristram. I'm a campaigner & author determined to help transform food production from the biggest environmental problem to one of our most powerful tools for tackling climate change, creating habitat, reversing biodiversity loss, whilst providing nourishing food for all. My books are Waste: Uncovering the Global Food Scandal and The Bloodless Revolution, and I am the Founder of feedbackglobal.org & toastale.com
Warmest, Tristram
Niki Reynolds Wed 22 Feb 2017 8:11PM
Hi, I'm Niki.
Am delighted to be part of a collaborative group in this OurField project.. I have a passion for sustainable food growing.. I have an academic background in Geology and Horticulture and have spent many years working on private gardening projects including a stint at Kew Gardens. I have also grown and harvested my own edible herbs and vegetables in my garden at my previous property.
I have recently completed studying a Nutrition Diploma as I am passionate about health and wellness and food quality and how to produce food that is high in nutrients .
Currently I am volunteering with FoodCycle in London, preparing meals for the vulnerable from donated surplus food. I am keen to learn as much as I can about the process of sowing a field crop from start to finish and taking part in collective decision making at all stages.. I am a keen photographer and will enjoy documenting each of the stages and farm visits with photographs and will be happy to share them within the group on various platforms where applicable..
Matteo De Vos Wed 22 Feb 2017 10:46PM
Hi, I’m Matteo.
I’m the guy based in Paris. I’m interested in exploring decentralised, local, collaborative approaches to agriculture. I’m excited to see what we can achieve together and how we can inspire communities in France and elsewhere to do the same.
I’m looking forward to getting to know you all better and in sharing our progress with the world through my For Food’s Sake podcast. I already had a wonderful chat last month with Phoebe Tickell about #OurField and what lies ahead, here.
Annie Landless Thu 23 Feb 2017 1:50PM
Hi! I'm Annie, I'm on the organising team for #OurField and a Co-investor too!
I work for The Food Assembly helping to support our network of local organisers across the UK with running their online farmers markets/ foodie communities.
I come from a farming family, my father grows cereal crops at home on our family farm alongside rearing cattle. I'm interested in re-inventing the supply chain, collaboration in farming, and what the future looks like for agriculture.
I'm sharing this spot with my Dad, and will have input from my Mum, Sister, and most probably Granny too! Excited to embark on this journey of learning with all of you.
Grahame Hunter · Mon 20 Feb 2017 2:35PM
Hi, I will be the facilitator of your Group - which means
Furthermore, I am a Utopian architect who believes that bread should be baked with spelt, buildings can be made with mud and straw, that stories are better tall, and that a man's hat can be as broad as his church.