Submissions on WDC Draft Long Term Plan
Hi Loomio Cyclists,
WDC Have their draft Long Term Plan available for comment at the moment and I believe that as stakeholders we should all be taking this opportunity to state our opinions to council on cycle/walkways in the Whangarei district using the submission process.
In summary:-
• Council have allocated $2.586m over the next 5 years for subsidised cycleway infrastructure (projects that are part funded by other bodies, eg- NZTA).
• They have also allocated $2.198m between 2020 & 2024 for unsubsidised work (projects that are funded solely by WDC).
The primary targets for this funding are the 3 urban commuter routes mentioned in the 2012 Cycling & Walking Strategy (All generally shared-use, off-road paths).
• Raumanga - (Raumanga Falls to Forum North)
• Onerahi - (Hatea Loop to Onerahi Yacht Club)
• Kamo - (Forum North to Kamo predominantly via Rail Corridor)
Submissions that I am aware of from other cycling interest groups have generally mentioned the following:-
1. A desire to see the unsubsidised portion of funding pulled forward to this 2015-2016 year.
2. More effort to get all WDC funding subsidised by other bodies.
3. An agreement to a 9% rates rise if it is used for better cycling infrastructure.
4. A request to reinstate the proposed Bream Bay Cycle/walkway into the LTP after it appears to have been dropped from the Cycling & Walking strategy.
5. A request to add the Growers Market to the network by joining Hatea Loop with Forum North (a terminus for two of the proposed urban commuter routes) using Raumanga Stream to provide a completely connected cycling & walking network (ie-"The Emerald Necklace")
6. To remedy the narrow section on the Northern side of the Hatea Loop adjacent to Riverside Dr, preferably by re-routing along the riverbank between the rowing club & the Town Basin Marina.
Please feel free to put in your own submission based on any of these guidelines or you can cut, copy, paste any sections you choose, or write your own.
Please also disseminate this information to all your contacts that you think might be community-minded enough to respond.
The more we can swamp the council's mailbags the more likely we are to succeed with our requests.
You have until close of business this Friday 24th to respond.
Here's the link to the WDC website submission page. You can complete the eForm or just email if you feel inclined.
Making a Submission - Long Term Plan 2015 Consultation - Whangarei District Council