Sun 22 Feb 2015 11:25PM

Plant Pure Kai pot luck dinner Tues 10th March

JI Jo Irvin Public Seen by 13

Hi All
Mum and I are organising a pot luck dinner in Blenheim at Mum's place 3 Forest Park Drive (opposite Wither Hills car park) on Tuesday 10th March at 6pm. Hope to see you all then!! Please let anyone who might be keen but isn't on Loomio know.


Judy woledge Sun 22 Feb 2015 11:45PM

Hi Jo
I shall let others know for you


Jo Irvin Mon 23 Feb 2015 1:19AM

Thanks Judy, hopefully you can get a car load together from Picton to come through.


Adrienne Mon 23 Feb 2015 3:16AM

I would certainly like to attend, if I can get a lift!


Deleted account Tue 10 Mar 2015 4:59PM

Well done @joirvin . It was a great evening with a wonderful array of food. I cam home invigorated by mixing with like minded people. Thanks so much for hosting us. Sorry there was such a poor Picton showing.

As you Jo and I discussed we should try having a dinner once a month, alternating between Picton and Blenheim. Nola and Lionel have such a great house to the event. I don't know of an equivalent one in Picton, but the Marina Cove lounge works well.


Deleted account Tue 10 Mar 2015 5:01PM

At this stage @joirvin and I are the two group coordinators. If anyone wants to get on this Loomio group, then let one of us know. (Jo, it is easy to invite anyone).


Nola Higgins Tue 10 Mar 2015 11:31PM

It was another great vegan pot luck. Thanks everyone for coming along it was loads of fun and as James mentioned, great to mix with like minded people. Look forward to the next one in May


Adrienne Wed 18 Mar 2015 3:40AM

Yes please add me to the list. Adie


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