Saturday, 28th January 2017 (12.00 - 14.00)

Please come and help on the street stall if you're around this weekend.
We'll have the petition for Ben Howlett, leaflets about the A C Grayling talk, plus the badges and a few berets/t-shirts on offer in exchange for a donation.
Please wear EU berets if you have them! (If the stars are starting to drop off, you can give them to me to sew on for you.)

Alice Hovanessian Thu 26 Jan 2017 11:56PM
Thanks Ruth, I attach the latest petition again, if someone can print about 10 copies and take them that would be great, as I can't make it this week sadly.
Anna Beria Fri 27 Jan 2017 8:06AM
I should be there, beret and all!

Mark Baines Fri 27 Jan 2017 9:14AM
It pains me and I'm very sorry to let you down but I can no longer make it this Saturday - I have to be away. I'll certainly be there in spirit!
All the stuff for the stall is in my office at 6 Princes Street (just off Queen Square), BA1 1HL, so if anyone would like to pop round today and collect it I can let them have the key.

Ruth Malloy Fri 27 Jan 2017 10:06AM
I'll come to collect the key later this morning (11ish) if that's alright?
Would you mind making a few (8-10) photocopies of the petition? (See Alice's message above, with link). I haven't got access to a printer at the moment.

Alison Born Fri 27 Jan 2017 9:46AM
sorry, I can't be there again this week but hope to be there on 4th, Alison

Mark Baines Fri 27 Jan 2017 10:14AM
Thanks Ruth. See you soon.

Ruth Malloy Fri 27 Jan 2017 10:15AM
@markrawson and @annaberia
Please can you meet me outside Marcom (Princes Street, off Queen's Square) on Saturday at 11.45? I can't carry everything on my own.

Mark Baines Fri 27 Jan 2017 11:01AM
I've printed 10 copies of the Petition which will be with the stall materials. I deleted the words 'next March' from the bit about the Article 50 vote, as it is no longer correct. I hope that is okay? The latest version is attached here.
You will also find 3,000 printed copies of the latest leaflet, about the demo, which I've also attached.

Alice Hovanessian Fri 27 Jan 2017 4:46PM
Mark, we are reluctant to change the wording of the petition now so many people have signed it! Would prefer if we kept the original wording, and expect that we will be forgiven if the vote is not held in March! In any case, will drop ample copies by the stall tomorrow, as nobody else has been able to print them...
Ruth Malloy · Thu 26 Jan 2017 11:39PM
Forgot to give the venue: Kingsmead Square again!