
This is a discussion for people working on the Hebrew translation. Please feel free to ask questions to the community, or to at-mention @mixirving to answer technical questions

mix irving Mon 27 Oct 2014 10:12PM
original question from @odedsharon :
Should I keep the word “Loomio” or write it in Hebrew (לומיו)?
Hebrew verbs have gender. e.g. Donate for a boy would be “תרום” while for a girl it would be “תרמי”. Is there a policy here?
- use only male-verbs
- use plural male, which is mostly unisex
- use verb-names, instead (i.e. “Donation” instead of “Donate”)
@odedsharon probably leave Loomio in english (it's a made up word, so I'm not sure it will translate well)
The second question is challenging. I think the unisex option probably sounds like the best fit - we're looking to include diversity and make this a safe environment for everyone to participate in. Do you have any female Hebrew speakers who you could check with though ?

mix irving Tue 28 Oct 2014 3:47AM
Have just deployed the work so far. Check it out by visiting :

Oded Sharon Tue 28 Oct 2014 6:05AM
very cool to see my work coming alive,
but I have a challenge/bug for you:
Hebrew is right-to-left, meaning that the dot (".") at the end of the sentence should be on the left side of the sentence...
Good luck :-)

mix irving Tue 28 Oct 2014 7:50AM
We're working on this. The solution for general discussions is almost ready to deploy.
The solution for the front page might might be a second piece of work to prioritize!
Maya - Apella developer Wed 29 Oct 2014 6:34PM
יש לנו תמיכה ב RTL. יש!
!you have RTL support! yay
mix irving · Wed 15 Oct 2014 9:38AM
I'm aware there are some right-to-left display challenges with Hebrew and would love to hear more details about this and any other problems encountered