Patrons and Mecenae Program
As we have already a Bank Account we need to start collecting donations and therefore define for our budget the way we are going to spend it. I believe, but need to confirm, that the definition of spending (using % of budget from donations) needs to be approved by members in general assembly. But after that we can manage the money according with that definitions, showing only accountability reports every year.
So, this discussion server 2 main goals:
1. The definition of donation money spending;
2. The ways and tools used to collect donations.
just to help understand The Patron Program has 2 types of entities, Mecenae and Sponsors. The Sponsor is someone that gives money, in exchange for sponsorship (publicity) and when reaches a determined level, the seat on the Advisory Board of OMA. the Mecenae is someone that gives with no back, is a fully altruistic person, that has just a thanks letter and if authorized a name listed in the list of patrons, if not, the reference to the number of anonymous givers.
I leave my 2 proposals for discussion:
- I suggest we show the budget from donations, somthing like this:
the money you donate will be applied by the OpenMandriva Association according to:
20% to Infrastructure
40% to Existing OpenMandriva Projects
10% to Innovation and New Projects creation
20% to Marketing and Publicity, and Events Organization or participation
10% to Other Projects, Associations, that develop tools that we use and that make possible our work
(this applies to donations not sponsorship, money from sponsorship should be treated differently, as sponsors - this refers only to Mecenae)
- Payment Methods, for now I suggest to use simple online transfer like Flattr and Bitcoin and direct bank transfer. Also Kate suggest a Paypal account.
Thu 29 Aug 2013 11:26AM
I think we can say something like:
-- half for the projects
-- the major part of the rest for our operating expenses (infra, marketing, events ...)
-- the remaining part for helping the free projects we use
Raphaël Jadot
Thu 29 Aug 2013 12:19PM
I agree with both proposal and what said JCL :)
Kate Lebedeff
Thu 29 Aug 2013 11:49PM
my hesitation is about fixing %
Kate Lebedeff
Fri 30 Aug 2013 11:01AM
my hesitation is about fixing %
(changed after Joao's last comment)
Wayne Sallee
Sat 31 Aug 2013 2:04PM
I agree on the proposal, but not on the discussion description.
Wayne Sallee
[email protected]
João Azevedo Patrício Fri 30 Aug 2013 9:03AM
@katelebedeff The voting was without fixed %. Only the list, this means, application of the money of donations without fixed %.
João Azevedo Patrício Mon 2 Sep 2013 1:16PM
@waynesallee suggestions for changing the description?
Raphaël Jadot Tue 3 Sep 2013 9:58PM
@joaoazevedopatricio1 I guess @waynesallee would like the removal of percentage :)
João Azevedo Patrício Wed 4 Sep 2013 9:04AM
@raphaeljadot oh! ok :-) Now the second fase, who will create the accounts?
Raphaël Jadot Wed 4 Sep 2013 9:32AM
@joaoazevedopatricio1 paypal/flattr etc account?
Wayne Sallee Sat 7 Sep 2013 2:46PM
Paypal or similar would be good for now. When OpenMandriva gets larger and taking in more money, it might make sense to get a real credit card processing account, but certainly not now.
Wayne Sallee · Thu 29 Aug 2013 1:34PM
I agree that since we now have a bank account that we should start collecting donations.
When you say "Do you agree on this donations money expenditure?" do you mean "Do you agree on the following donations money expenditure?" or do you mean "Do you agree on the above donations money expenditure?" ?
Often times I see votes queries that refer to the above discussion. Vote queries should be completely contained and the above discussion should be more of an introductory into the matter.
I also don't think we should set up percentages. We need to collect donations, and then spend wisely as needed.
Also we have a mailing list that works better for discussions. Do I sound like a broken record yet? :-)
Wayne Sallee
[email protected]