BUG REPORTS and QUESTIONS/CONCERNS about the new Janeway platform
We are the first preprint service on this platform. SO there will be issues that pop up. Please, if you find any GUI glitches, or have any questions or suggestions, put them here, and the CDL folks will pay attention.
Christopher Jackson Thu 15 Oct 2020 1:48PM
replied on the other thread
Victor Venema Thu 15 Oct 2020 3:30PM
In that case I would say: The top feature request for version 1.1.
Having to edit or to print a new PDF makes uploading a preprint a lot more cumbersome, especially for papers where the uploader is not the first author. Even as member of EarthArXiv I have skipped one publication I second-authored because it was too hard and the paper was going to be published OA later anyway.
Lisa Schiff Thu 15 Oct 2020 3:59PM
Hi @Bruce Caron and @Andy Byers Justin actually spoke with our contact at Google Scholar about this and got some good advice from her about the best approach. I know he'll be following up with you both on this issue when he's back.
Bruce Caron Thu 15 Oct 2020 5:27PM
I agree... doing this on the service side would save authors a lot of time yak shaving to get their PDF ready.
Andy Byers Thu 15 Oct 2020 5:35PM
The flip side is: what if the author adds a statement and we duplicate it....
Lisa Schiff Thu 15 Oct 2020 5:36PM
That has to be indicated in Submission Guidelines.
Andy Byers Thu 15 Oct 2020 5:44PM
Yeah I can still see it happening tho 😁
Lisa Schiff Thu 15 Oct 2020 5:52PM
Sure, authors fail to follow Submission Guidelines all the time; the Editors can then choose to fix the problem themselves or send the doc back to the authors.
Christopher Jackson Fri 16 Oct 2020 7:11AM
Rather two than none, right? Espeically given we're trying to be absolutely squeeky-clean about the reviewe status of submissions...
Stanislav Jelavic Wed 14 Oct 2020 5:10PM
I registered as a new user but haven't got the email for activation (it's not in the spam folder). If I try to register again with the same email, it recognises that there is already an account with that email.
During registration, it would be cool to be able to tell which info is obligatory and which facultative.
Bruce Caron Wed 14 Oct 2020 9:38PM
We'll look into this. What about the firewall of your institution? That's always a tough one to fix.
Stanislav Jelavic Thu 15 Oct 2020 4:51PM
I never had issues with authentication and firewall before. Will ask around to see how to check if that's a problem here.
Justin Gonder Mon 26 Oct 2020 10:48PM
@Stanislav Jelavic it looks like you were able to activate your account, and it also looks like you created 2 accounts, one @gmail and one @yahoo. Could you let me know which account you would like to keep so that I can connect your old OSF account to it?
@Bruce Caron for future reference, I've found that some users who aren't getting the account activation email can fix the problem by following the steps on the login page to reset their password. Brian is also working on tweaks to the email server so that fewer of these messages will get caught up in filters.
Stanislav Jelavic Tue 27 Oct 2020 6:19PM
Hi Justin, yes, once I created the account with yahoo, the gmail activation email magically appeared...
I'd prefer to keep the account activated via gmail, please. I'd really appreciate if you'd link them asap because the preprint has been published in a journal more than a month ago but with a slightly different title so I'd like to update the documents to avoid confusion. Thanks a lot!
Christopher Jackson Mon 19 Oct 2020 5:18PM
One from me; when I login to EarthArXiv, I can only see a handful of all the preprints associated with me as an author...Is the transfer from the old system complete, or have I missed something upthread? I’ve a couple more preprints to submit and update, but I don’t want to do this until I know my account is all in place. Thanks!
Bruce Caron Mon 19 Oct 2020 5:35PM
Do you linked to your account? or through the search?
Christopher Jackson Mon 19 Oct 2020 5:37PM
I can see them via search from the homepage...but not in my account Dashboard...
Bruce Caron Mon 19 Oct 2020 8:31PM
I think right now the only preprints attached to authors accounts are those where the author was the one who posted them on COS...
Christopher Jackson Tue 20 Oct 2020 3:35PM
Oh. That might not work then, given, sometimes, the submitting author gives Full Control to other authors...I'm royally confused now...:-(
Christopher Jackson Fri 23 Oct 2020 9:16AM
Hi Janeway folks! On the 'unpublished preprints' page, it'll be super, super helpful if you are able to see (and search on) authors names. Currently, only ID, date on submission, and submission title are shown. I request this because, having asked an author to tweak something on their submission ahead of acceptance, it's useful to be able to quickly go in and search on their name to see if they've done what's required. Thanks!
Christopher Jackson Fri 23 Oct 2020 9:30AM
And related to the above, when contacting the authors about tweaks, it would be good (if possible) if the submission title and submitting author name (at least) were inserted in the email subject field.
Andy Byers Fri 23 Oct 2020 12:21PM
Hi! Yes we intend to return the author names to this page though we will need to limit the Published Preprints list and supplement it with a search as when each of the 1000+ preprints has its authors listed the page takes ages to load. Re the other suggestion, can I ask you to add a request here: https://github.com/BirkbeckCTP/janeway/issues/new?assignees=&labels=new+feature&template=feature_request.md&title=Preprint%20contact%20subject
Christopher Jackson Fri 23 Oct 2020 3:36PM
Thanks @Andy Byers! It’s most critical in the first instance for the Unpublished Preprints page, given that’s where we moderators spend most our time. And is GitHub the only place to make recommendations? I’ve never used it and don’t have an account, but if it’s the only way I can do it.
Christopher Jackson Sun 25 Oct 2020 7:50AM
Hi @Andy Byers! I made a GitHub account and posted a request! Can you (or someone else) confirm you received it, such that I know I'm not making a mess of it?! Thanks! Chris
Andy Byers Mon 26 Oct 2020 9:59AM
Roger that Chris - received.
Christopher Jackson Mon 26 Oct 2020 7:55PM
Thanks! Been moderating a bit over the last few days, so I'll pop-in some more suggestions!
Daniel Nüst Thu 5 Nov 2020 4:19PM
We have published a preprint with EarthArXiv and I noticed a bug in the author listing: https://eartharxiv.org/repository/view/1724/
Two authors are missing the ORCID logo/link.
From the submitting first author I know that these two are the ones with an EarthArXiv account (where the ORCID is in the profile). We do have the ORCID links in the actual manuscript, so this is not a big issue, but it would be nice if this difference in rendering can be resolved. Happy to provide more info if needed.
Bruce Caron Fri 6 Nov 2020 2:25PM
Fixed. Sorry... we are in Version 1.0. It will get better.
Andy Byers Fri 6 Nov 2020 2:27PM
Hi! The bug that causes this has, I think, been fixed so we shouldn't see it in the future!
Daniel Nüst Fri 6 Nov 2020 2:59PM
Thanks @Bruce Caron @Andy Byers - I'm glad we can help hunting the bugs! Thank you for you hard work!
Evan Goldstein Tue 19 Jan 2021 1:48PM
This is likely not a bug, but i want to report this behavior:
I have observed that a occasionally a live preprint does not have a visible DOI .
here is my example from today (Jan 19 at 08:45 EST): https://eartharxiv.org/repository/view/1982/
I imagine there is a lag btwn when a preprint goes live (after moderation) and the DOI generation/registration, and then added to the page. Other preprints that appear both above and below this one (in chronological order) all have DOIs.
I had observed this previously with another preprint, which originally did not have DOI when it went live, but now has one.. https://eartharxiv.org/repository/view/1973/
Christopher Jackson Wed 20 Jan 2021 6:32PM
Ditto. In the last few weeks I've had 3 or so authors contact me about this issue. I then had to contact CDL via [email protected] to get them to run the DOI minter update (or something like that). We need to keep an eye on it, given it understandably frustrates some authors, espeically if they are nervy!
Evan Goldstein Mon 8 Feb 2021 2:13PM
I was asked by a preprint author about adding the DOI of a published version to an existing preprint. I can't find an 'add published DOI' button on the Author Dashboard (or on the 'preprint dashboard' for a given paper). Am I missing the way an author can do this for themselves? (vs a moderator adding this info into the metadata?). I remember w/ COS there was a small button where authors could add a publication DOI..
Christopher Jackson Mon 8 Feb 2021 8:09PM
It’s in the meta-data on the right-hand side of the page when you, as a moderator, goes in. We’ve still got the issue that submitters cannot update their own meta-data...
Evan Goldstein Mon 8 Feb 2021 8:12PM
Thx for confirming @Christopher Jackson — i edited the metadata for the author.
Andy Byers Tue 9 Feb 2021 9:38AM
I think we added this to the code base a while ago (certainly editing metadata is there as part of a new version process). Perhaps @Justin Gonder can comment but I think they’re waiting until we finally merge the preprint 1.0 into our main release (1.4) which is coming out shortly. @Christopher Jackson I’ll follow up on authors adding pub DOIs later.
Christopher Jackson Wed 10 Feb 2021 7:57PM
Awesome! Thanks Andy!
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Justin Gonder Thu 11 Feb 2021 8:46PM
Hi folks! We have just rolled out the latest update to Janeway, which includes some fixes and enhancements to the preprints functionality that's running EarthArXiv:
- Authors can now submit revised Title and Abstract metadata using the 'Update Preprint' button. These changes are then queued for Moderator approval.
- The ID number in tables did not previously reflect the actual Manuscript ID number. This has been corrected, which should make it easier for moderators to spot multiple / duplicate entries in tables where items are listed (e.g. in the version moderation queue).
- The View Details link in the version moderation table now produces a modal box which gives details about what was changed.
- Drop-down menus that had previously not worked (e.g. the Salutation field on the registration form) have been fixed.
- The metrics report had previously counted views of the PDF embedded in an item's landing page as downloads. Those views are now excluded from the download count.
Thank you all for your patience as we worked with our limited development resources and the Janeway team to understand and correct the above. We continue to discuss and prioritize bug reports and feature requests the community posts here at our monthly CDL / EarthArXiv check-in meeting.
Christopher Jackson Fri 12 Feb 2021 11:31AM
Thanks @Justin Gonder! @Evan Goldstein @Elif Oral: can we get some of this out on Twitter, etc?
Bruce Caron Fri 12 Feb 2021 3:50PM
Hi @Justin Gonder .... can authors update the author list too?
Alainna Wrigley Fri 12 Feb 2021 3:53PM
@Bruce Caron Do you mean co-authors of the preprint who are not the submitting author?
Bruce Caron Fri 12 Feb 2021 4:01PM
Alainna Wrigley Fri 12 Feb 2021 4:16PM
Just tested to confirm: If not the submitter, then co-author cannot edit metadata and will not see the preprint in their author dashboard.
Bruce Caron Fri 12 Feb 2021 4:18PM
I mean the submitting author adding/correcting the co-author metadata...
Bruce Caron Fri 12 Feb 2021 4:20PM
sorry for the confusion
Alainna Wrigley Fri 12 Feb 2021 4:22PM
whoups, my misreading. Not possible I'm afraid. :(
Andy Byers Fri 12 Feb 2021 12:36PM
Hi Chris - if someone does mention it ensure to note this is a beta branch and not an official “numbered” release of Janeway.
Bruce Caron Mon 15 Feb 2021 8:19PM
Question @Alainna Wrigley @Andy Byers : can authors now modify the metadata to add the published DOI? I see this from the manager side, but when I tried out doing this from the author side, I didn't see this on the metadata form as something to add/revise. (they could only revise the title and abstract). I do get requests about this fairly often.
Christopher Jackson Tue 16 Feb 2021 5:06PM
Same query from me. I’ve not looked into it in too much detail, but it seems as though it might only be a problem for submissions transferred from the old OSF system.
Alainna Wrigley Tue 16 Feb 2021 6:03PM
@Bruce Caron @Christopher Jackson No, not possible right now, but we should be able to use the same workflow. I'll create a feature request and will also link it to adding the published DOI metadata to the preprint DOI metadata. :)
[edit] Here's the feature request for the metadata update: https://github.com/BirkbeckCTP/janeway/issues/2042
Christopher Jackson Tue 16 Feb 2021 8:43PM
Thanks! This is pretty critical functionality, given one of the most common concerns i here from preprint sceptics relates to linking from the preprint to the version of record. The hyperlink DOI, and the ability to add it when a paper is accepted, is golden in that respect!
Bruce Caron Tue 16 Feb 2021 11:58PM
Thanks! @Alainna Wrigley
Bruce Caron Fri 19 Feb 2021 10:07PM
Good idea to prevent authors from uploading new versions on top of rejected submissions: I think the best solution to part of this is to NOT allow authors to upload new versions for dead submissions, perhaps with a note: "This submission was previously rejected. If you wish to, you can start a NEW submission to upload an edited version that meets EarthArXiv's moderation rules." i.e., do not try to put a smile on this corpse.
Bruce Caron Tue 23 Feb 2021 6:00PM
@Alainna Wrigley @Justin Gonder Got another email about rearranging authors on a list... sigh. Any timeline when this will be available for us to do? ... and then for authors to do?
I had a coauthor notice that the authors are not listed in the correct order on our preprint page:
Hubenthal should be the second author and Fasola should be the third author. This was likely a mistake I made when entering the metadata for the preprint submission, but I do not see how to correct this. Can you advise how I should fix this?
Alainna Wrigley Tue 23 Feb 2021 8:09PM
@Bruce Caron I couldn't find a bug report for this one, so I've made a new one: https://github.com/BirkbeckCTP/janeway/issues/2062
Bruce Caron Tue 23 Feb 2021 10:36PM
I was going to do this... but I thought the system was broken to do this.... is it fixed?
Bruce Caron Tue 23 Feb 2021 11:04PM
I tried to do 1801 again.... and I could not save the new authors. FYI
Alainna Wrigley Wed 24 Feb 2021 1:50AM
@Bruce Caron Apologies, the author issue in 1800 and 1801 -- where a manager can't add authors who already "exist" in the system, also isn't fixed yet. The moderators being unable to add existing authors issues is a known issue https://github.com/BirkbeckCTP/janeway/issues/1973 . Looking in to whether there's a sustainable workaround that we could use while they work on fixes for these issues for now :(
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Daniel Nüst Thu 18 Mar 2021 2:35PM
Hi all,
really enjoying how Janeway folks are working through bugs and ideas here, so I'd like to make a new suggestion: next to the DOI, offer code for badges in various formats (HTML, Markdown, SVG, PNG) so that links to preprints on EarthArXiv hat are posted in README files on GitHub/Lab or on websites have some recognition value. Here's what I cam up with for my paper repository:
The URL for that image is https://img.shields.io/badge/%F0%9F%8C%8D%F0%9F%8C%8F%F0%9F%8C%8E%20EarthArXiv-doi.org%2F10.31223%2FX5ZK5V-%23FF7F2A
Looking forward to learn about other suggestions for colour and icons.
Evan Goldstein Thu 18 Mar 2021 4:09PM
that is awesome @Daniel Nüst — adding it to some GH repositories right now...
Daniel Nüst Thu 18 Mar 2021 5:06PM
Let me know if you need help with that... looking at the badge again, it would be cool if the badge-generation function would randomise the order of the earth emojis (so that every part of the earth get's to be in the middle sometimes).
Evan Goldstein Thu 1 Apr 2021 12:28PM
This is a Question about commenting from Twitter. I haven't used this aspect of the new platform. Any insight?: https://twitter.com/dschillereff/status/1377593816694292483
Christopher Jackson Thu 1 Apr 2021 3:42PM
Good question! I’d suggest that the authors moderate comments on their own preprints, not us. Thoughts?
Bruce Caron Thu 1 Apr 2021 5:06PM
Since authors own their preprints and the contents of their landing page, I think they should moderate any comments. I've contacted the author to go ahead and moderate away. Do we need to have a policy?
Evan Goldstein Thu 1 Apr 2021 5:14PM
i think if this is stated someplace, that would be good..
Bruce Caron Thu 1 Apr 2021 5:19PM
@Christopher Jackson I just commented on one of your articles to check the workflow... let me know if you have any problems moderating (rejecting) it.
Daniel Nüst Thu 1 Apr 2021 6:53PM
I think letting authors take care of this is fine. Any policy should also make clear though who I as I commenter can reach out to if I feel wrongly moderated.
As a feature, it would be nice if I as an author do not have to moderate comments on my own articles. I've added some related later work to a postprint, as I think that is both interesting for readers and the closest way for me to store that info with the paper.
Victor Venema Sun 4 Apr 2021 2:15PM
Most of the comments to be rejected will likely be (commercial) spam. I feel it would be best not to bother authors with that. A moderator of the repository could do all in one go and would learn patterns to detect them more quickly by seeing more of them.
It is quite common to see a lot of spam comments on blog that are not longer (that) active. We should take into account that after some time authors may no longer be interested in a manuscript or even active in science. So at least we should also have the ability to moderate when authors do not respond.
Those are technical points, there is also a consideration about the quality of the scientific discourse. I am not sure where I am with respect to this. When the authors do the moderation they could also block valid criticism. We could see it as an improvement in quality (over putting a manuscript on your homepage) that this is not possible on a repository, just like one can see the version history on a repository.
On the Grassroots post-publication peer review system I am working on the editors do the moderation, not the authors. At EarthArXiv we also have pre-publication peer review, which is a more vulnerable stage, more likely to contain (embarrassing) errors. So authors may be deterred from using our service if they do not control the conversation. (Do we want such authors?)
Evan Goldstein Fri 16 Apr 2021 1:10PM
DOI resolution bug:
Tweet pointing it out: https://twitter.com/IceMeanders/status/1382733803899195392
Preprint: https://eartharxiv.org/repository/view/2025/
Alainna Wrigley Fri 16 Apr 2021 1:15PM
Looks like it's resolving to the staging environment of EZID (the DOI minting service). Will check for others and let the team know for when they're online in 3-4h.
Evan Goldstein Fri 16 Apr 2021 1:24PM
thanks @Alainna Wrigley!
Alainna Wrigley Fri 16 Apr 2021 4:26PM
This issue is now fixed and the DOI properly resolves to the EarthArXiv URL. : )
Evan Goldstein Thu 10 Jun 2021 12:51PM
no DOI appears in the right panel for the most recent preprint: https://eartharxiv.org/repository/view/2433/
Alainna Wrigley Thu 10 Jun 2021 1:20PM
It's been more than a day, so our chronjob should've fixed this. Will flag with the team.
Alainna Wrigley Thu 10 Jun 2021 9:06PM
This is now fixed and a DOI is live on the preprint.
The issue: we're starting to add the abstract to the DOI metadata, but didn't expect that a percent sign would be in the abstract. oups! :)
Evan Goldstein Wed 23 Jun 2021 6:55PM
A twitter user noticed that the DOI for this preprint is not resolving:
preprint: https://eartharxiv.org/repository/view/2431/
DOI: https://doi.org/10.31223/X5S32B
Alainna Wrigley Wed 23 Jun 2021 6:58PM
Thanks for the report Evan (and Twitter user)!
Sharing with the team now.
Evan Goldstein Wed 23 Jun 2021 6:58PM
Also it seems that DOIs from preprints around this time are not resolving..
Alainna Wrigley Wed 23 Jun 2021 7:04PM
Yes, just noticed that. 🙁 Including them in the report... Fingers crossed it's a quick resolve!
Alainna Wrigley Tue 6 Jul 2021 1:13PM
@Evan Goldstein The DOIs should all now be resolving. :)
Alainna Wrigley Tue 6 Jul 2021 1:17PM
Issue resolved: Missing DOI metadata from older DOIs: Earlier we learnt that certain metadata (abstracts, publisher version DOIs) were missing from pre-migration DOIs. This has now been resolved. 🙂
Two examples:
Evan Goldstein Wed 7 Jul 2021 8:59PM
Hi @Alainna Wrigley — In the moderation thread we are discussing the acceptance emails that authors get. @caramanning noticed that the emails are sent with a blank doi — https://doi.org/none (or something like that). here is the discussion —> https://www.loomio.org/d/ECGW26rP/moderation-schedule-and-screening-of-submissions/288. I just want to make sure it is noticed here in this thread
Christopher Jackson Wed 7 Jul 2021 9:49PM
Thanks for linking the threads, Evan.
Alainna Wrigley Wed 7 Jul 2021 10:58PM
Thanks for that! This is on our radar. We need to figure out a good way to change the message if a DOI hasn't yet been minted - it's not something the template is currently set up to do. 🤞
Andy Byers Thu 8 Jul 2021 7:16AM
The template supports if statements. If you want I can sort this!
Christopher Jackson Thu 8 Jul 2021 8:06AM
That would be great, thanks!
Christopher Jackson Thu 8 Jul 2021 8:18AM
And I’m sure I’ve missed this all during my house and country move…but did we get the issue fixed related to authors being able to add their VoR DOIs after acceptance? Someone just raised the fact that more and more journals are stipulating this…Also, @TomNarock was discussing similar as part of his Goldschmidt presentation.
Alainna Wrigley Mon 12 Jul 2021 4:14PM
Congrats on the successful move!
The change for authors to add publisher DOIs to their preprints isn't yet complete, but I believe that this is part of the developments intended to be included in the future upgrade which includes the changes to authors/accounts that should help resolve many
of the issue with authors that have been raised.
Feature on author-initiatied publisher DOI updates: https://github.com/BirkbeckCTP/janeway/issues/2042
Evan Goldstein Thu 29 Jul 2021 7:31PM
Hi @Alainna Wrigley — Strange bug to report. I was asked to add 2 more keywords to a preprint: https://eartharxiv.org/repository/view/2580/.
Using the edit metadata function I added the first keyword successfully — 'Virtual Outcrop Model'.
The second keyword to be added is 'LIDAR'. I tpyed in this word, hit return, and saw that the keyword is added. I then saved the metadata, and refreshed the preprint. The keyword does not appear.
I tried 'lidar' (to test for all caps) — also did not work.
I tried adding the keyword with a space before or after the keyword (also didn;t work).
I tried deleting all keywords and adding 'LIDAR' as the first keyword — all keywords were retained except 'LIDAR'.
I thought maybe there was a max number of keyword, but adding the keyword 'test' worked...
FWIW, i am using Firefox 90.0.2 on MacOS 10.15.7
Alainna Wrigley Thu 29 Jul 2021 7:56PM
Hello Evan,
That sounds like a bug that we've documented here:
Andy, please correct me if I'm wrong here: If memory serves, the upcoming version 1.4.1 merges several improvements to keywords on the journal side, but possibly not this one. Once the Janeway team is working on that version (very soon!), we should be able
to see whether that bug still holds.
For now, I've added it to CDL's internal card on the repository keywords issues and shall look forward to investigating it after the merge.
Andy Byers Thu 29 Jul 2021 7:58PM
Yes we have improved the keyword handler for journals and we will port this to preprints in 1.4.1.
The first RC of 1.4 is being tagged tomorrow so hopefully not too long.
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Evan Goldstein Thu 29 Jul 2021 8:01PM
Thank you both !!
Cara Manning Wed 4 Aug 2021 1:20AM
Hi @Alainna Wrigley and @Andy Byers
cc @Bruce Caron
I am trying to edit the author metadata for preprint 2594:
When I try to add author Rafael Almar <[email protected]>, I get the error "Email addressAuthor with this Email address already exists."
I was able to add the other coauthors successfully. Originally the author had only added themself to the metadata and not the other coauthors.
Is there a fix for this, or should I ask the submitter to start the submission process from scratch? Thanks for your help.
Alainna Wrigley Wed 4 Aug 2021 5:51PM
Hello Cara,
What an awful situation! This is related to the many author-related issues that should be resolved under the author rework in v1.4.1.
Unfortunately there isn't a good way to get around this at present. To reduce the submitter's burden, an option could be to list the author's email address as [email protected] for now, and note the issue -- that way it can be updated to the author's
proper address once v1.4.1 is live. (Please correct me if I'm off point, AB!)
Andy Byers Wed 4 Aug 2021 5:52PM
We should be able to add that author via Admin.
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Cara Manning Wed 4 Aug 2021 6:58PM
Hi @Andy Byers and @Alainna Wrigley I was able to add the author as [email protected]. I did that before I saw Andy's message. If either of you can correct the email address you're welcome to do so!
Bruce Caron Mon 16 Aug 2021 2:28PM
I went in and fixed this. Something the owner should be able to do:
Dear Bruce,
Please accept my apologies but I have made a mistake in entering one of the author names. I have submitted a corrected pdf but I don’t seem to be able to update the metadata on the author list.
Currently one of the authors is:
Matthias A. Dörffler
And it should be corrected to:
Matthias A. Dörfler
Please let me know if it would be possible to update this.
Many thanks and apologies again!
Auriol Rae
On 15 Aug 2021, at 17:37, Bruce R.Caron <[email protected]> wrote:
Dear Auriol S. P. Rae,
Your preprint has been published on EarthArXiv. It is now available on EarthArXiv:
(Note: A DOI has not yet been minted for this article. Please check your article URL in one
hour for the DOI. If no DOI is available after 24 hours, please notify the EarthArXiv Team.Regards,
EarthArXiv Team
Bruce Caron Tue 17 Aug 2021 1:55PM
Author could not correct a typo in a submission before it was accepted... I fixed this from my side
Aug 16, 2021, 5:37 PM (13 hours ago) |
I am unable to update the title of my paper, though I've tried twice using the minor metadata update function. It is missing the final 's':
"Irreducible Southern Ocean State Uncertainty due to Global Ocean Initial Conditions"
Would you be able to update it for me?
Thanks in advance for your help!
Bruce Caron Mon 13 Sep 2021 7:51PM
another reason why we need the new version soon... (I did the metadata update, but the author should be able to do this stuff, and the header text should change when a preprint becomes a postprint...
My preprint --
has now been published with GJI --
What is the suggested procedure for updating our preprint? Do people usually
* update with a postprint (not typeset by the publisher) with a cover letter
saying "go to this DOI for the published version," or
* post the typeset published version (in our case it's open access so that
should be okay), or
* leave the preprint version as is and link to the published version via the DOI
on the right-hand side
Also, are you able to update the article header, "This is a Preprint and has not
been peer reviewed. This is version 2 of this Preprint" saying that it is now
published, or is that something I do, and also are you able to add Jessica
C. E. Irving (Orcid ID: 0000-0002-0866-8246) as an author (previously this has
been an issue for unknown reasons...).
Thank you for your help,
Joel Simon
Christopher Jackson Mon 13 Sep 2021 8:25PM
We’ve been waiting for this super-crucial bit of functionality for a while…
Andy Byers Mon 13 Sep 2021 8:28PM
We’ve finished work on 1.4 which means we can now concentrate on getting Preprints into the main branch.
That said I don’t think there is a request to us to make that text change to Postprint.
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Christopher Jackson Mon 13 Sep 2021 8:44PM
Hi Andy,
Thanks! We appreciate you’re all no-doubt busy.
I thought the request for allowing authors to update their meta-data was filed quite some time ago. Bruce might remember better than me, although I can try and dig-out my GitHub login details to check!
Andy Byers Mon 13 Sep 2021 8:54PM
Hi Chris,
Just to clarify, the metadata one is there but I can’t see one about the text above a preprint tho.
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Bruce Caron Sun 19 Sep 2021 2:20PM
@Alainna Wrigley @Justin Gonder WEIRD... I just declined 2 articles for having NO AUTHORS in the metadata.... but these were from 2 different owners. I suspect something is goofy with the platform.
Alainna Wrigley Mon 20 Sep 2021 12:42PM
@Bruce Caron That's wild! I see @Andy Byers has beaten me to filing a bug issue. https://github.com/BirkbeckCTP/janeway/issues/2447 🙏
Andy Byers Mon 20 Sep 2021 12:43PM
I've also added a fix for it.
Andy Byers
Senior Publishing Technologies Developer
Birkbeck, University of London/Open Library of Humanities
Alainna Wrigley Mon 20 Sep 2021 12:44PM
Incredible! Thanks so much, Andy!
Bruce Caron Mon 20 Sep 2021 1:34PM
What I'm worried about is that the submitter added authors, but then they didn't show up in the metadata... having 2 different submitters neglect to add authors on the same day seems odd.
Andy Byers Mon 20 Sep 2021 2:23PM
That's an issue for CDL to investigate. However, I find it more likely two submission were without authors than randomly 2 papers had their authors deleted automagically.
Andy Byers
Senior Publishing Technologies Developer
Birkbeck, University of London/Open Library of Humanities
Alainna Wrigley Mon 20 Sep 2021 2:25PM
Is it possible to follow up with them to see whether they input authors? We'd need more information to try to troubleshoot/replicate.
Bruce Caron Mon 20 Sep 2021 2:30PM
These are the latest submissions. None since. Let's see what the next submission does. CORRECTION: these are 2701 and 2702.... 2703 and 2704 were OK.
Bruce Caron Mon 20 Sep 2021 2:40PM
2701 and 2702 were resubmitted (really quickly) as 2703 and 2704, with authors... no, I'm wondering about BOTS... any thoughts on that? Could someone be using a bot to submit preprints?
Bruce Caron Mon 20 Sep 2021 2:43PM
check out the emails....
Bruce Caron Mon 20 Sep 2021 3:02PM
I am going to unpublish 2704 until we contact all the authors (2703 looks ok)... @Christopher Jackson
Luciano Fleischfresser Tue 21 Sep 2021 10:39AM
Hello @Bruce Caron , what is the issue with 2704? There are lots of Pengfei Li in ORCID!
Bruce Caron Tue 21 Sep 2021 1:22PM
Hi Luciano, I'm just being a little cautious about this one. We can make a decision today. I'm' on a learning curve for submissions from China. I know they are dealing with a language issue to get their work out.
Alainna Wrigley Tue 21 Sep 2021 1:31PM
I used to work with a Pengfei Li (in law). 🙂 qq.com is a common Chinese email domain -- the numbers refer to their QQ IDs (like ICQ, and was a precursor to WeChat). 163.com as well. (essentially the gmail.com and hotmail.com of China) It isn't unusual to see them in metadata -- I see them all the time for co-authors at UC (and even more often in the bilingual journals I used to edit), even though SciNet and others recommend researchers use institutional addresses. Makes it very difficult to determine who someone is..
Searching -- Li Pengfei's address ([email protected]), one finds them as a listed author in this Cell article: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.oneear.2021.06.008
Searching the email address for Li Mingqi ([email protected]) found them a co-author here https://doi.org/10.1109/ICAICA50127.2020.9182548
All said, I'd consider the likelihood of bots being low -- even the spam user registrations we saw seemed to be hand-entered rather than auto-generated.
Bruce Caron Tue 21 Sep 2021 2:00PM
I've published the submission and wrote an email of apology to the owner. My bad.
Christopher Jackson Wed 22 Sep 2021 7:02PM
Professor Christopher Aiden-Lee Jackson (he/him)
Equinor Professor of Basin Analysis
Basins Research Group (BRG)
Department of Earth Science & Engineering
Imperial College
Prince Consort Road
Email: [email protected]
Web: www.imperial.ac.uk/people/c.jackson
Twitter: @seis_matters
Equinor Professor of Basin Analysis
Basins Research Group (BRG)
Department of Earth Science & Engineering
Imperial College
Prince Consort Road
Email: [email protected]
Web: www.imperial.ac.uk/c.jackson
Twitter: @seis_matters
Co-founder of EarthArXiv, a preprint server for the Earth Sciences
Bruce Caron Fri 8 Oct 2021 2:36PM
Is there any way to fix this now, or do we need to wait for the upgrade?
Tue, Jun 15, 8:44 AM |
I am co-author of the below publication but the author list is not ordered correctly. I cant see how to edit this since the new website has come about. Can you help?
The author list should be Engwell, Gibson and Kavanagh (not Gibson, Engwell and Kavanagh).
I thought I had already corrected this last year but the error still seems to remain.
Thanks and best wishes
Dr. Janine Kavanagh FHEA (she/her)
UKRI Future Leaders Fellow
Senior Lecturer in Geology
University of Liverpool
Earth Sciences
Room A208, Jane Herdman Laboratories
4 Brownlow St
Liverpool L69 3GP
United Kingdom
Tel: +44 (0)151 794 5150 (Direct Line)
My working hours may differ from yours. Please do not feel obliged to reply outside your normal hours.
Tue, Jun 15, 1:56 PM |
Hello Janine,
We are working on this. There is a little bug in the platform that makes it harder than it should be/
Stay tuned.
Thanks for emailing us!EarthArXiv Volunteer Staff
Tue, Jun 15, 4:26 PM |
Hi Janine,
There is a good news/bad news situation here.
The CDL says it will be fixed.
They promise this by September 1.
sorry about this.
Wed, Jun 16, 12:37 AM |
Hello Bruce
Ok, thanks for the quick response and for letting me know.
Best wishes
3:20 AM (4 hours ago) |
Just following up on this. Can the author order on the article be corrected please as requested?
The author list should be Engwell, Gibson and Kavanagh (not Gibson, Engwell and Kavanagh).
Best wishes
Alainna Wrigley Fri 8 Oct 2021 2:58PM
Hello Bruce,
It can be fixed now -- and has been! Unfortunately the fix needs to come via the back end admin panel. If you receive any similar requests, please let us know at [email protected].
Cara Manning Thu 25 Nov 2021 1:03AM
I got a question from the author of preprint 2876 (10.31223/X5C34C) regarding adding ORCIDS:
Their message:
There is one thing that didn't work during the process, namely linking the name of the first author (Mégane Alavoine) with her ORCID number.
This number exists (https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4910-0830), but for some reason it was not possible to make the link when I submitted (could not enter the name through the ORCID).
So, I wonder whether it would be possible for an EarthArXiv representative to perform the ORCID linking manually for the first author (?)
I responded to the author and said I tried adding the ORCID and got the same error, and that I've had similar issues adding ORCIDS when submitting my own papers to EarthArXiv. I told them I would post on the forum to see if anyone has a solution. Thanks! @Alainna Wrigley @Justin Gonder
Alainna Wrigley Mon 29 Nov 2021 7:31PM
@Cara Manning The feature that allowed submitting authors to manually input their co-authors' ORCID iD(s) was disabled a while back because manual input of ORCID iDs are generally a bad thing. Manual input creates the possibility of misentry or incorrect entry, as well as the possibility of multiple accounts being associated with the same ORCID iD, which breaks some features in the system. (I cleaned up a few of these issues following the recent update.)
Ideally, what will be happening is similar to what's seen in common manuscript submission systems: The submitting author adds their co-author (or searches for them in the system). If the co-author has connected their ORCID iD to their EarthArXiv account then it will appear in their author profile. Otherwise, the submitting author or EarthArXiv moderator can send an automated message asking the co-author to connect their ORCID iD to their EarthArXiv account.
In this case, I would recommend the co-author signing into EarthArXiv using the email address the submitter input (a***[email protected]) and connecting their ORCID iD to it. 🙂
Cara Manning Mon 29 Nov 2021 10:49PM
Thanks @Alainna Wrigley, this is very helpful! I have passed the instructions along to the submitter.
Cara Manning Tue 22 Feb 2022 4:55PM
I got a question from Lars Gebraad who just submitted preprint 3118.
"Who do I talk to to merge my pre-2020 account? I have this preprint (https://eartharxiv.org/repository/view/679/) that I would like to show up on my profile as well."
Is it possible to merge the accounts? Thanks @Alainna Wrigley
Alainna Wrigley Tue 22 Feb 2022 4:57PM
@Cara Manning : It may be possible. Could you forward the message to [email protected] so we can record and look into it? Thanks!
Cara Manning Wed 23 Mar 2022 2:24AM
Can anyone help with changing my email address on EarthArXiv from [email protected] to [email protected]? When I try to change to the UConn address, it says the email address is already registered. When I try to reset the password for the UConn account (if it exists) it says there is a server error and I never receive the email to do a password reset. Thanks as always!
Alainna Wrigley Wed 23 Mar 2022 1:21PM
@Cara Manning : This is probably a result of someone using your @uconn.edu address in a preprint as an "author". This effectively creates a second, inactive account. Please contact [email protected] -- thanks!
Tom Narock Wed 23 Mar 2022 1:04PM
Hi @Cara Manning. I'd suggest copying your email/password note and sending to [email protected] That will open a support ticket with the technical team and they will know what the options are. It will also alert them to the sever error.
Bruce Caron · Wed 14 Oct 2020 2:25PM
Hi @Andy Byers ... Cool.... let me pass this question to the group and get back to you.