Sun 23 Mar 2014 12:27AM

Welcome to the Translation group - Introductions thread.

MI mix irving Public Seen by 212

Welcome to the Loomio Translation group. Please introduce yourself and feel free to mention @robertguthrie if you'd like some help getting started.


Natalia Lombardo Tue 5 Apr 2016 10:21PM

@chanyoungyoung Welcome to the translation team! Would you like to introduce yourself to this community?


Natalia Lombardo Mon 22 Feb 2016 11:53PM

@elaalptekin1 Welcome! Would you like to introduce yourself to the community?


Natalia Lombardo Thu 14 Jan 2016 10:44PM

@gilson @offramp Welcome! is nice to see you both here :) and thanks so much for all your help!!


Heecheol Yeom Wed 13 Jan 2016 12:48AM

HI, I'm Heecheol from South Korea. After I met Richard on the conference. I eager to contribute this movement and give the benefit to my friends and lovers. It was my honor to work with awesome people like you!


Jeff Huang Tue 29 Dec 2015 8:33AM

Ah sorry, I'm busy these days. Forget to introduce myself.
Hello everyone, I'm Jeff Huang. I speak Traditional Chinese (or Taiwanese Mandarin, that have two names because of some reasons) and a little English.

I'm a open source enthusiast. So my goal is translating more FLOSS as possible.


Gilson Wed 16 Dec 2015 5:38PM

Hi, I'm Gilson from Brasil. I speak English, Portuguese and Spanish and I would like to make part of this beautiful iniciative helping translating and what more I can.

And I want to say that I'm glad for who construct this platform!! :))


Deleted account Tue 15 Dec 2015 11:04AM

Hello, I'm Ohyeon from Korea. Our team ( http://parti.xyz ) has been prepared some web platform for better democracy in Korea. After we met Ben and team last week, we thought Loomio can be helpful for our exploration building new platform and also can be useful for many Korean organizations. Thanks for inviting!


Natalia Lombardo Thu 3 Dec 2015 8:54PM

Welcome @s8321414 it's very nice to have you here! Will you like to introduce yourself to this community?


Natalia Lombardo Tue 24 Nov 2015 9:43PM

Welcome @misscharliebrown ! Nice to have you here :)

"Hello everyone! I'm Cristina and I come from Rome. I "met" Loomio about 1year ago, and I started helping the Loomio team with the italian translations. I think you're doing a great job guys, and I'd like to give my contribution as well. Even if I have a background in economics I am also a research partner of the “ICSEM Project” (International Comparative Social Enterprise Models), an international research network about the social enterprises which based in Belgium. I am interested in social topics as well as open softwares, and I am about to start a master in teaching italian language and literature to foreigners. You have developed such a smart platform and I really hope to become a good addition to your crew! see you around! Cris"


Frédéric Hiltbrand Sun 22 Nov 2015 10:23PM

Hello everyone! Bonjour à toutes et tous!
As said before, i'm an elementary school teacher in Geneva, Switzerland, and happy to help translate Loomio to French!


Natalia Lombardo Sun 22 Nov 2015 10:19PM

Welcome @frederic1207 ! Will you like to introduce yourself to the community? nice to have you here :)


Natalia Lombardo Mon 16 Nov 2015 10:57PM

Wellcome @eduardk ! Will you like to introduce yourself here to our community? also please contact me if you have any questions :)


Natalia Lombardo Wed 11 Nov 2015 2:49AM

Hi everyone!
I'm Nati, I'm from Argentina and I live in Wellington, New Zealand. I've been doing Loomio Spanish/Castilian translations for a while. Now, I've joined the team as a regular contributor; I'll be working with multilingual customer support and with Spanish/Castilian translations; as well as doing support for the wider volunteer Translation Community.
So, please let me know if there's anything I can help you out with or if you have any questions or comments about the translation process.
Looking forward to be collaborating with you all :)


Ameline - ZD La Rochelle Fri 30 Oct 2015 8:08PM

Thanks for letting me in @hannahsalmon :)
In addition to what I already said: I'm a 23 y/o French citizen who's really excited about collaborative working. As for my background, I studied languages at uni (and as it so happens I did an exchange semester in Wellington... so I'm quite happy to be around new zealanders, at least virtually !) and like any language addict I love to find new ways of practicing and taking on new challenges... The first day I discovered Loomio and Transifex, I ended up translating strings for 2 or 3 hours in a row. Oops ! Anyway, I'm happy to be here and ready to continue translating :)


Deleted account Thu 29 Oct 2015 10:28PM

Welcome to the community @amelinenelly! Thanks for providing us with an introduction:

Hey ! I've started using Loomio with my organization a few days ago, and started translating in the French team at the same time to help make the French version of Loomio. I'd love to join this group to be in the Loomio translation community :)

Care to tell us a little more about who you are and where you're coming from?


Deleted account Mon 28 Sep 2015 8:42PM

We've had quite a few new people join the translation group recently! Welcome!

@banaziz, @genarocorbatosoro, @lukacsandras, @millanfernandez, would you be interested in introducing yourselves to the community?


Guillermo Velasco Navarro Wed 29 Jul 2015 11:41PM

Hello. My name is Guillermo. I'm graphic designed and illustrator, but I contributed with some social movements. I would like to give my little help to translate to Spanish, due I found some wrong (or improvable) translations. Saludos.


Richard D. Bartlett Wed 29 Jul 2015 11:02PM

Awesome! Great to have you in here @hemiwaerea :)

I'm one of the Loomio co-founders, based in Wellington alongside many of the other Loomions including @mixmix who handles the translation mechanics, @hannahsalmon who coordinates the translators as well as writing code, and @robertguthrie who is our lead software architect for the whole project.

This week Anake Goodall connected us to Karaitiana Taiuru, who connected us to Ian Cormack from Taumatua Māori Language Services. Ian has volunteered to help out.

Hemi I wonder if you're connected to any of those folks? Or have you come in independently? It would be cool to have everyone on the same page. If you're up for it, you could start a thread in this group specifically about Loomio in te reo, and we can pull people together there.

We are having a pretty choice Te Wiki o Te Reo Māori at Loomio :)


Hemi Waerea Wed 29 Jul 2015 10:22PM

kia ora. my name is hēmi waerea. i come from rotorua, new zealand. i work in the education sector within nz. my mother tongue is māori. hoping to build a team to translate loomio into māori. kia ora.


Richard D. Bartlett Thu 28 May 2015 11:05PM

Hey Pau good to see you again ❤


PauKokura Thu 28 May 2015 10:00AM

Hi! I'm Pau, in older times here known as @zombilechuck. Excited to be back to loomio and spread it's word in organizations i'm involved now. (Cooperative movements and political municipal parties)


Deleted account Mon 20 Apr 2015 12:26AM

Welcome @keshashah!

I've just moved your introduction to a comment here, so everyone can see the context for this discussion when they join.


This is Kesha Shah here. I am a final year undergraduate in DAIICT, India. I heard about Loomio through Rails Girls Summer of Code program. I am interested in translating Loomio to Hindi, the national language of India. To more about me, you can have a look at my website which is hosted at www.keshashah.com

Looking forward to have a wonderful experience working with Loomio community and you! :)


Richard D. Bartlett Tue 7 Apr 2015 8:24PM

Hi @heenamahour welcome! It's great to have you helping out :)

Love from Aotearoa New Zealand!


Heena Mahour Tue 7 Apr 2015 2:29PM

Hi all,
I am Heena Mahour and I am from Delhi, India. I am a Season of KDE 2012 student(kde-edu game pairs), Google summer of code 2013 student under KDE where I worked with plasma team, Google Code In 2013 mentor where I provided tasks under KDE for plasma, co-administrator & mentor of Season of KDE 2014 and organization co-administrator & mentor of KDE for Google Code In 2014 as well. I am also a mentor in Learn IT, girl. Moreover, I am also the co-founder, organizer and director of Women Who Code Delhi, India. Recently, I presented a talk on KDE as a speaker at FOSSASIA 2015, Singapore. I also organized a GSoC meetup at Delhi recently which got featured at Google open source blog. I am also the layout developer of pairs theme editor. I also was one of the speakers at GSoC Symposium, Delhi where I presented a talk on the plasma development.I am looking forward to get involved with Rails community now by contributing to Loomio.
We plan to implement te following :
- Translation to Hindi, national language of India as currently it is not yet supported by Loomio
-Resolve bugs if any encountered
-Translation to the remaining languages which are not currently supported by Loomio once Hindi translation is finished
-Fix the documentation

Suggestions and feedback are welcome :) .

Love from India !


Nina Hlebec Wed 31 Dec 2014 5:22AM

Hi all, I'm Nina and I currently live in Wellington, NZ, but I'm originally from Slovenia. I used to work in TV production to make my living but I also freelance as a journalist, translator, editor, web content manager etc. I also helped organise concerts and festivals, hosted radio shows and did many others things connected to the world of (relatively underground) music. I help run an electronic/ambient/drone record label called Cloudchamber Recordings. I studied sociology at Faculty of Social Sciences in Ljubljana, Slovenia, and found myself involved with different NGOs and especially interested in new ways that technology can make our lives better. I got to know about Loomio by using it for the purposes of coordinating 19 Tory St group activities. I am working on the Loomio translation into Slovene in my spare time and would appreciate all feedback and comments.

Sending out good vibez and hopes for Loomio in Slovenia :)


jazeps bikse Wed 10 Dec 2014 3:06PM

Oh, sorry, I did that by mistake.


umut Wed 10 Dec 2014 12:21PM


u ve sent e-mail to wrong man.


Umut Köktürk

2014-12-10 11:30 GMT+02:00 mix irving (Loomio) :

@jazepsbikse I think you edited the discussion title and context! I am reverting this change and placing your post here :

Jazeps Bikse

Hi, I am a political science and mathematics student in Latvia. I have been working in some NGOs and been part of some smaller and larger democracy initiatives in Latvia. I am very interested in the way how such software is used around the world for decision making purposes.

I haven’t done much translating in my life but I will try to do the best I can. And I hope loomio will spur here in Latvia.

Reply to this email directly or view it on Loomio ( http://www.loomio.org/d/h9bU4IZl/jazeps-bikse?utm_campaign=thread_mailer&utm_medium=email&utm_source=new_comment#comment-393931 )..

Unfollow ( http://www.loomio.org/email_actions/unfollow_discussion/14605/dgHT_vYaoWRSgzJNFDRP ) to stop emails about this discussion.

Change your email preferences ( http://www.loomio.org/email_preferences?unsubscribe_token=dgHT_vYaoWRSgzJNFDRP&utm_campaign=thread_mailer&utm_medium=email&utm_source=new_comment ) to unsubscribe from Loomio emails.


mix irving Wed 10 Dec 2014 9:30AM

@jazepsbikse I think you edited the discussion title and context! I am reverting this change and placing your post here :

Jazeps Bikse

Hi, I am a political science and mathematics student in Latvia. I have been working in some NGOs and been part of some smaller and larger democracy initiatives in Latvia. I am very interested in the way how such software is used around the world for decision making purposes.
I haven’t done much translating in my life but I will try to do the best I can. And I hope loomio will spur here in Latvia.


umut Tue 11 Nov 2014 10:11AM


My name is uMut (Hope) :). I live in Istanbul, Turkey. I work as an unlimited chief officer on bulk carrier ships at the oceangoing seas. I travel all of seaside countries/cities cos of my job. While i m in Turkey, (I ve got 20+ websites (5 of them jeneric domains) ) im looking to my websites as a hobby. I just found Loomio when i searched Open-Source Projects. I realised that Loomio project can combine all people from all over the world so then i wanted to be a part of this good project. Now, i help this project as a coordinator of Turkish translation team. And im so happy being a part of that team.

Thanks to all.

And this is me at the attachment :)

one of them is when i was in vietnam and the other one is at the brigde on ship :)


Alexander Zatko Fri 31 Oct 2014 7:31PM

Ahoj from Slovakia :-)

I have learned about Loomio from a fastcompany article (I guess). It caught my attention as I am involved in a non-profit organization, where we have a need to facilitate discussions and decision making using input from potentially hundreds of participants. Originally I put together a solution based on Drupal and it has been very helpful, but it is tailored to the needs of our non-profit. Now we need something more generic and run independently, because for some issues we will be seeking consensus of multiple organizations. Loomio seems to match our needs, but I will have some suggestions for functionality that would be helpful to us and maybe also to others.


Oded Sharon Fri 24 Oct 2014 2:35PM

I'm Oded, from Israel
I'm working as Product Manager in a telecommunication software company, but my Master is actually in Environmental Geography and I'm passionate about the political decision-making process in that context which lead me up to Loomio. I'm looking forward to work on the Hebrew Translation, and hoping something like this in the Israeli political system as we desperately need it...


Giuseppe Schiavone Thu 9 Oct 2014 9:06AM

Ciao everyone!

This is Giuseppe, from Milano, Italy.

I have been studying ICT enablers of democratic participation (specifically participation to discussions on controversial bioethical issues) as a part of my PhD dissertation. That's how I got to fiddling a bit with Loomio. To give something back I helped translating the platform into English.

Hope I can keep helping.


nando @colgado Mon 15 Sep 2014 7:16AM

Good idea Jesús, especially since my euskera is still not good enought to translate anything, nor to start a new discussion!

That would be a tougher and interesting discussion, since euskera has requirements that make us, the programmers, think.

And that's something always good!!!

-- nando


Jesús Magarri Sat 13 Sep 2014 2:01PM

Mila esker! Talde jatorra omen daukazue hemen!

¿Nos vemos en la Spanish discussion?

Un abrazo


nando @colgado Thu 11 Sep 2014 10:48PM

ongi etorri Jesús!!!


Jesús Magarri Wed 10 Sep 2014 10:33PM

As well as @fernandogs, I am Spanish and I have joined Podemos in order to bring a true democratic culture in our country. Many people has been struggling to be heard by the political elites, and they have finally decided to empower themselves and to start doing politics with other ordinary people instead.

I've been experiencing the huge organizational problems in a grassroots movement as ours. Here in Donostia we have stepped into Loomio to encourage horizontal discussions, and we are succeeding in reducing the digital gap. Working with seniors and teenagers in the same community is one of the most exciting things I can imagine.

It seems that the Spanish translation needs an additional impulse in order to cope with the new features and I'm volunteering to help. I could also join a Basque translating team.


nando @colgado Mon 1 Sep 2014 5:36PM

The issue that let me know about this group: https://github.com/loomio/loomio/pull/1591


nando @colgado Mon 1 Sep 2014 5:32PM


nando @colgado Mon 1 Sep 2014 5:31PM

Hello everybody,

I'm nando, a web developer living in Madrid (Spain) that last July try to implement a little Loomio improvement that needed a small translation change. Rich "Decibels" told me about Transifex and this group and I tried to make the translation changes myself.

I think Loomio is an amazing tool and will keep trying to contribute with it as much as I can.

In this photo I'm with the (injured) person that first told me about Loomio, Rai (Raimond García), together at the first PODEMOS Democratic BBQ, first informal meeting of the tech people (Círculo TIC) of the PODEMOS party at Madrid.

It's a pleasure to be part of something like Loomio. Thank you to all of you that make it possible.

-- nando


Jochen Walter Sun 20 Jul 2014 7:29AM

I am a german engineer working as a freelancer and as a promotor for NGO's in development cooperation and fair trade. I grew up and live in southwestern Germany, near the french frontier.
I got my first loomio contact yesterday because of someone from the Economy for the Common Good movement. Immediately I saw the link "Help to translate Loomio" and I moved in.
I am also an attac activist since 10 years and nowadays starting some transition actions in our town with about 80.000 people.

Thank You for developping Loomio. You're doing a great job for a real democratic future.
Let's move on...


Novica Zivkovic Sun 13 Jul 2014 10:50PM

Hello all, its a pleasure to be here, my name is Novica, I come from Serbia.
Here to help with translation and learn somewhat about RoR apps, after heard about Loomio from my fb friend who living in NZ.


Ammar Halabi Thu 19 Jun 2014 1:18PM


My name is Ammar, and I come from Syria.

Currently, I am working on the role of internet tools in building and supporting local communities in Syria, and I am interested in the possibility of using Loomio to support local community governance and decision-making.

I have a background in computer science + Interaction and UX design, and I have participated in a small number of projects involving community building and collaborative design.. I will be glad if I could contribute to Loomio. Until I figure my way around, I can contribute to translating Loomio to Arabic.

Thank you for developing Loomio and for opening its source! I look forward to interacting with this promising project and the community around it :)


Juan Alberto González Thu 19 Jun 2014 11:25AM

Hello everybody,
my name is Juan Alberto and I'm from the Canary Islands.
I'm also really interested in a software for taking decisions while no possibility of being together/at the same time considering it a need to invigorate the actions of work-groups.
I'm a Arts student in last course and work also (for free) with an association promoting coeducation between Senegal, Canary Islands and Haiti.

I have been working as German to Spanish and Spanish to German translator some years ago, and also helping in some software translation when i have had the time.

I understand also English, and French.

Congratulations for this great job, it's a pleasure to try to help with this.


Julian Dumitrascu Tue 10 Jun 2014 3:59PM

@vietnamesel10n Hi!
I'd find it appropriate to create a subgroup for Vietnamese translations. We can discuss then what decisions are needed in this regard.


Poll Created Tue 10 Jun 2014 3:39PM

Vietnamese Localization Closed Fri 13 Jun 2014 3:09PM

Nothing new, just the old one to pop in again.


Results Option % of points Voters
Agree 100.0% 2 AL SY
Abstain 0.0% 0  
Disagree 0.0% 0  
Block 0.0% 0  

2 of 206 people have participated (0%)


Julian Dumitrascu Thu 24 Apr 2014 10:17PM

I have been a translator and now run a translation and writing business.
I like Loomio and would integrate such software into a larger project, which I will tell about those who are curious.
I have seen that the Romanian translation is bad and added some useful strings in Romanian.


Florian Aurich Wed 2 Apr 2014 6:13PM

@christianmairoll there's actually quite a bit missing, but I've been working on it for the past few days and expect to finish the main resource soon™! There's plenty more where that came from, though (;


Christian Mairoll Wed 2 Apr 2014 10:59AM

Hi there,

I'm Christian, founder of Emsisoft, an Austrian antivirus company which is organized fully virtual with a team of 25 from all over the world. One of your developers didn't stop posting about Loomio on his Facebook page, so I had to have a closer look sooner or later. ;) I really like the idea and motivations behind all this, so I'd like to offer my support as well.

I have about 15 years of experience translating software and websites to German language. If there are any parts of Loomio missing in the translation, please let me know.

Continuing with reading the tech sheets next.. ;)


Joop Kiefte (LaPingvino) Wed 2 Apr 2014 12:00AM

Hello, I'm Dutch but I translate to Esperanto now, it was on 26% when I hopped in, now it's getting really close to the half and I intent to finish it. I think Esperanto organisations (and freeform organisation) mostly has to work online because of the international distance, and then good consensus tools are essential. At the moment action and information tend to go haphazard when someone feels for it and has the strength to organize something, but I think some good ideas remain under the cover...


Alanna Irving Sun 30 Mar 2014 10:09PM

Thanks for the fantastic introduction @jellelangbroek (and all the other inspiring translators!) - you might want to check out this recent discussion about transitioning groups onto Loomio and breaking old habits.


Jelle Langbroek Sun 30 Mar 2014 6:37PM

Hi all,

Let me introduce myself. I work in social psychiatric healthcare for children. It's a great job where every day is new. This work is not my main focus in my spare time though.

I live in a former squatted hospital. We are a large group (+250 people) living under the roof of this hospital in Groningen, The Netherlands (http://www.orkz.net).
It doesn't have a squatted-status for 30 years now and we have 'official' houses (rooms) now.
I've lived here for 12 years and have contributed many hours to the computernetwork over these years (http://www.orxnet.org). We all agreed to contribute something to our community so we can keep rents low and do most of the things ourselves. It's expected of everyone living here, though we're not a commune or something like that.

I've always tried using technology to improve communication and this is a real challenge in this community. Communication works great with the old arrangements, but we have our occasional hiccups since we have meetings with a hundred people or more sometimes.

That's when I learned of Loomio! Loomio seemed like a great idea to let people do what they already did every day; posting on Facebook, but then with meaning and purpose ;)
I learned it's not easy to change the 'ways of community'. The past years I've setup many websites (intranets) and other (IT) services to try to make things easier for people here but these all failed largely as people don't take time to learn new things, especially when they don't see the direct purpose of it...

Due to this experience, I've chosen not to introduce Loomio here yet. At least not as a real-life tool we could use for decision-making. I started translating first. If we were going to use it here, it should at least be in Dutch. Then the press releases and video came so I wanted to wait for them to translate.
I hope I can use the material soon to introduce Loomio as a great way for INCLUSIVE decision making here. We might be with 250 people, but the lot of them don't know what's happening in their own building. We have to make a lot of big and small decisions every day (like are we going forward with this budget for next year? or what colors should the walls in the hallways be? etc)

I really believe in Loomio en I think it can involve more people in the decisions that affect them every day here.

I'd also love to hear experiences from people introducing Loomio to their community / workplace / etc. What worked, what not and so forth.

Thanks for the great work!


Florian Aurich Sat 29 Mar 2014 5:45PM

Hi everyone,
I'm a student currently in the second year of my master's degree in translation (for English and French). Having studied political science for my bachelor's and being an activist myself I'm pretty much naturally interested in ways and tools for making good, inclusive decisions. I think I've spent countless hours debating decision-making, consensus vs. majority and similar things with friends, fellow students and activists. Loomio seems to be a cool project and while I have no practical experience in localization yet, I'd like to try it out and work on the German translation (my first language).
The struggles I've been involved in were mostly about the environment, antiracism and unions. I love Linux and free software (writing these lines from my beautiful installation of elementary os) and have started learning some coding in Python and recently Java. The ultimate goal for the latter is to, one day, be able to make a contribution to OmegaT, my favorite tool for computer-assisted translation, which is (of course!) open source. (:
I'll be trying to sort out and finish the German translation of at least the main resource part in the next days.


Kateryna Butenko Sat 29 Mar 2014 3:22PM


I'm Kate, Ukrainian IT-consultant, now living in Copenhagen, Denmark. I received a message from one of my New Zealand friends on Facebook, asking to paticipate in Loomio translation process.
Luckily, same time I started working with my own free social project for my lovely country, that is dedicated to develop IT instruments that will help to make Ukraine better. Everybody in my country now feels responsible for our own future. With my group of people we suffered from terrible process of decision-making in Skype and Facebook, and Loomio helped us a lot.

Despite my primary job is IT consulting and development, I like helping other people with my languages (both Ukrainian and Russian) - sure, for free. So if you are learning one of these languages and need help - contact me :)

Just finished Ukrainian translation, but will keep with Russian translation and corrections for Ukrainian.


Hsin-lin Cheng (lancetw) Thu 27 Mar 2014 4:16PM

Hello everyone,
I’m lancetw, master student lives in Taiwan, studying computer science and information management.

By the way, I'm also a full-stack web developer and interested in programming, GNU/Linux, Chinese language, translation and History of China.

Taiwan is on the road to democracy in a new stage.
Many young people in Taiwan realize they need a new platform to do more together.


Mako Chang Thu 27 Mar 2014 3:45AM

Hi all,
I am Mako Chang. I come from Taiwan.
I just joined traditional Chinese translation team, but i have to say i am not familiar with Loomio. This is my first time to use the kind of online tool. We might make some mistake on some parts in translation, but we are trying to make it better.

Some of the team are people come from a group called g0v.tw and so do I. We are a group trying to make Taiwan better with our own skills. We are trying to patch what our government forgot. So that's why we are here.

Thanks for the supports all over the world.This is a Formosan Black Bear painting drew by Wallaby Lin. In Formosa, BEARS NEVER GIVE UP.


Elias Westerberg Tue 25 Mar 2014 1:15PM

Hello friends!

I'm Elias Westerberg, an IT-consultant, 30 yo from Malmö, Sweden. I also have an Art Gallery and I'm involved in a political movement.

The seed to this movement started by two integral friends walking the streets of Malmö (a city here in the south of Sweden) discussing how society and politics ought to be… how could we have more ”good conversations”? The ideas matured into written form, momentum gained and more and more people got interested and now groups meet both here in the south and also in Stockholm to have ”cafés” to practice and to engage in topics that are current in the mainstream media and also on the horizon. Steps are taken to directly engage with parties, politicians and key questions on the agendas. This is not a political party, but can be seen as a movement and a possibility to transform the way politics and society is from today. In Denmark there is a new political party formed with a
declaration that is close to the manifest written and contact is made with them.

We are a team of 6 members/founders working with a project to create a forum+wiki hybrid for better conversations online (perspective taking, social deliberation skills etc.) to support the political movement mentioned above. It's called Initiativ Samutveckling btw, website in Swedish, use google translate :) http://samutveckling.se.

We have started the Swedish translation of Loomio and are looking into the possibilities of developing Loomio further, as a complement/alternative/co-development.


Slava Medvedev Mon 24 Mar 2014 12:15PM

Hi Folks.
My name is Slava (full name is Viacheslav Medvediev). Software developer and civil activist from Odessa, Ukraine.
Born and grew up all 30 years there.

Interested in the subject of common decisions-making for a couple of years.
Have used Loomio after suggestion of my co-worker.
Almost immediately started translation to Ukrainian to introduce it to my friends who don't speak English.

Photo: me, my car. Odessa, Ukraine, this winter. The text on car body can be translated as "Is police ... with the nation?"


Cliona Harrington Sun 23 Mar 2014 9:31PM

I'm Clíona Harrington from Cork in Ireland. I'm a fluent Irish speaker and Irish teacher. I'm also a music teacher. I'm very passionate about Irish being a living modern language and I'm constantly trying to promote it to young people here in Ireland.
I'm here to try and help with translations into Irish although I've been quiet enough so far due to being quite busy at work but I'm planning on being a bit more active in future.


Chris Taklis Sun 23 Mar 2014 6:44PM

Hello my name is Chris Taklis.

I live in a village in mt. of South Pelion in central Greece. I am farmer, but growing only ecological products. I don't speak very good english but my english have improved a lot after 2009 because i was volunteering in some environmental NGO here in Greece. After so many hours speaking english with different people from around the world my english improved a lot and have made some good friends, by knowing also different cultures.

Now i'm participating in Pirate Party of Hellas (www.pirata.gr) [not ppgr].

I learned about loomio when i was searching for an easy tool for pphellas, because in Greece the most people are digitally illiterate, and the most they are bored to learn something new.

I saw, learned, and played with Loomio and i like it most than ever. I think it's better than forums. ok, it still has some disadvantages but i hope in the future it won't have.

I like it and i help as i can. First of all translation to Greek, because the Greeks they don't know all english.
Also i publish it in social media a lot, i requested some features that it will make it more great than it is, i speak to friends and groups that i participate to come and work in loomio, and finally i try and publish the crowdfunding campaign.

That's are very few things for me!


A. Renato Sun 23 Mar 2014 5:28AM

Hi there,

First off, many thanks for the existence of Loomio.

My name is Antonio Renato. Born (1974) and raised in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; after live in NYC for couple years (1995-96) got some English skills.

After a life time 'only' as an hacktivist participated in the Occupy Movement (OcupaRio) back in 2011 and currently collaborating in some Assemblies happening in my city due to the protests that are happening. You guys probably have an idea how difficult it is to deliberate reaching consensus in a Square’s General Assembly where presents some issues like: most people of the city don’t participate; the best orators with rhetoric (including many infiltrators from anachronistic political parties) and with too many friends (unbalancing) usually hijacks the Popular Assemblies; shy people don’t speak (even though many times having a lot to contribute); and so on. Many of those problems were the biggest problems in OcupaRio and the occupation of Rio's City Hall (even people being so close together for several months) and are still to be overcome in many popular assemblies trying to be horizontal and consensual.

So, as always looking forward for ways to contemplate all kinds of people in a Direct Democracy, my excitement is high with Loomio. It is (and hopefully will be even more) a great and essential tool for many types of Government 2.0

For Portuguese and English speakers (Spanish only the first book), two of my books are available in my website (PDF is for free, of course) arenato.com and are published in Portuguese by a publishing house and (badly translated) self-published in English in Amazon. Anyway, avoid to buy hard copies, please (print or copy). Both English and Spanish versions may be under revision only after the third book be written. The series is called Democratization and titled: From Republic to Democracy, with the subtitles: 1. A Conceptual Essay for Direct Democracy; 2. Applied Economics for Direct Democracy; and Defense Systems in a Direct Democracy (in process).

By the way, greetings to the people around that belongs to the Brazilian Pirate Party which is the best party in my country, although its still a political party (nothing against political parties, my struggle is against the current so-called representative system, then all for Direct Democracy with as many parties as needed). Anywayz, if any of you want to personally contact me: [email protected]

For a welcome mat section this message is getting too long. Then my:

Warmest regards to all


mix irving Sun 23 Mar 2014 12:52AM

Hello all, my name is Mix. I live in Wellington, New Zealand. I work as a developer on Loomio but am also the contact for people interested in translating Loomio. I'm helping with translation because I want to be able to offer what we're building to as many communities as possible, and language should not be a barrier.

the photo is me standing in the area I grew up (Hawkes Bay). In maori I would call it my tūrangawaewae, the 'place where I stand', my foundation.