What next for Extinction Rebellion UK and Subgroups on Loomio?

Could someone tell me:
if Extinction Rebellion UK has an ongoing licence to use Loomio?
if it is possible to create a local Subgroup under that licence?
if use of Loomio is being continued?
I ask this I set up @XR Chilterns as a Private Group with a free 14 day licence trial. That is coming to an end so wondered if it might be possible to move under the main XR UK licence as a Subgroup?
I find Loomio easier and greater functionality than Mattermost for certain things like polls and arriving at decision outcomes.

Luke Flegg Wed 21 Oct 2020 1:05AM
Hello mate ❤️ yes I think that'd be so nice to get local groups as subgroups under regions (is there any prospect of sub-subgroups feature @Rob Guthrie ?) Otherwise I guess regions (eg "South East) would all have to be separate accounts
Each local group has loads of circles (line Actions, Training, etc) but perhaps could just use tags for different circles?
It'd be so powerful I think to have our community all together but separate as we need - learn from each other and easily cross collaborate.
@Peter Duxbury yes, Loomio is very much being actively developed and indeed, is vastly superior I think to MatterMost and everything else when it comes to group decision making or advice process
XR Chilterns Thu 22 Oct 2020 8:50PM
Sorry about a message that appeared on Loomio that was on an e-mail. I didn’t understand how it got there..
I am not knowledgeable about how loomio works. Of course it would be good to communicate through this medium with other groups.
Robert Guthrie · Tue 20 Oct 2020 11:19PM
Yes, we've committed to providing free loomio.org service to XR.
@Luke Flegg are you happy for local subgroups in this group? We can move the group if everyone is happy.