Housing diversity for whom?
If the town were to encourage greater housing diversity, would you like to address the needs of a particular population, such as first-time home buyers, young families, town workers, workforce, seniors? Why? How might focusing on this population influence housing characteristics, if at all?
Amit Oza Fri 30 Jun 2023 4:16PM
@douglas babkirk @Donna Lamberth Thank you for your comment!
douglas babkirk Wed 28 Jun 2023 1:10AM
focus on audiences identified in our comprehensive plan
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Donna Lamberth Tue 27 Jun 2023 9:07PM
No, if a developer were ever willing to work with us for affordable housing, we should consider the proposal. Getting too specific could discourage development.
Amit Oza Fri 30 Jun 2023 4:17PM
@Cynthia Dill Thank you for your comment, this is helpful feedback.
Cynthia Dill Tue 27 Jun 2023 3:12PM
We should create housing to meet the needs identified in the Comprehensive Plan, i.e. downsizing seniors, our local workforce and new families - AND the housing should welcome kids! Thanks.
Al Romano · Mon 7 Aug 2023 5:58PM
I'm not opposed to the town "encouraging" different types of housing structures that might appeal to a greater set of demographically diverse folks, but having the town qualify (choose) who gets to buy or live in such homes I would be opposed to. I think "encouragement" will necessarily have to take the form of greater density of housing units per square foot of land area - which means smaller units and tower structures.